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.32-030( 2.c.coao SEe-3D TWN-2D RGF-) Y... FI...... NAIIE of OWMV. CONTRACT TO OlamlCTS / SALE PRICE Rd. ..... Po,' PUD FPD 52 1101'" Charles T. Wright "1 )OC S 3 J:- ----22 15877] Howard Robinson S .30~ S 3 '58 .lZ.5: 29' Eldon Hanthey et u.x :7'125"61 <)8 17<)29' George Ra1stin et u.x $8500 , .th b ")!)?JtJO 1i;1t' ~ff$- /1 < 11,4- /-"4 / ,.. \-- ?d "7A(J /? . ./S;r - -//. 7t/f b' ~~ "l.11751() %767>, W"7/) I;{~', "i:.f?/ ill d,,/' . './l_tltJ ( U{)U J> '':;;2~S"/ M .,,, / , I \-- I-- - - - I-- -- - - - - \-- - - - I-- - .' .' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y... - Tim..... Unlmprrled I....... TOTAL "".., Timber Unlmprom lmprone! Improvilmenb B"fL ~ (BuildIngs) VALUE .21. /.00 /.00 60 7CJ() ?SO_ ,ff!L --- - SO 7/0 7ft, 0 - ,5'&, I,oc) /.00 ..!:J-O 7/0 760 il 50 /.3tJo /tJoo kQ SO / <//'0 /5"".;1 0 k.L .? :J.o / t/70 /790 ~ .;;- d () , ') /990 /'1 ;., i,~ t.-;;: ",,-// / - . /'" -1/,j W-.y7'd ..J./ ", /r.- .'/ 7'0 ~I--c ~ I;;, :-- J 3%70 //; -, () I _ C.- , 7'-1 /_. /" .0':' '.:) 5/&0 7100 10 3 Cof) 13/,,"0 Ibl"" ;S;~ \.-,,;""O:J Q /7& ?J ;()6rO fJl /.tJo /.00 1;,--'1000 :? 5<;106 ~5''/OCJ ~f' /.00 /. t) ~ Y750 ;(5'/00 3tf/~o LOT BLK. - TWN. Il8E. ~ - t~o .l).1' , .' -. " ~u _ ,..- .., . -~~ , ,-- '~.'~ Beginning at NE corner of NW NE; thence W on N line~ 220'; thence S parallel with E line of NW NE, 224'; thence E parallel with N line 220' to E line of Nw NE; thence N on Eline 224' to I.P. ;::;,.-e..- - - - - - - - - -- - ----- -e;..,.,