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DESCRIPTION: PLAT rj~'2::Q._l_ CJ.lfl () 00 7T LOT BLK _ __ _ _. ___.I iF ACREAGE Tract 7-B of NEJ." SEJ." SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 - - - ----- -_.~~- DISTRICTS '-- AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD -- SC PT UD I FD HD CD SALES $ ----- ----- -- -~_. 1=-= ____n - -------- ITT-Rayonier, Inc ,... S 309 S 3 C + ------ --.---- ;:.)rJ 0 U 1- -- ~- ._.- - , - . -----1 ------- -- ~._----- ---. -~._" --.._- - , ------- . --- -- , I j ----- ------+ -- , - I - - -- ----t. -- - , --- - - , --- ---- ! -- ,- ----- 1 -----.---..---.-- -------- ---- I - - - - , =00,""",_ =-<-= ACREAGE 'IALUATlON - ---l-----~ -------- B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UN I M PROVED I M PROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ----.- ----j - 71 . 3;) 1- ,{, ~"7, t': 3240 2070 5310 -2!..j , ----- _/,-/: - n___ --- / ~, /-",I"n-; ~/ ,/ ../,) I /A/: "ld t _Z r;e,-.&.<' I 03..:13';> 3,:2:5.5"': "'::4~A ~/I ~I 0 / _ L. ~d -- -- 1-. .. 41 ,; () --f./ t&~4,.- ------.- _~ft'l ,7PY 7/00 / I d-lO nV : _~2i 79 / / J0.r' - V / .7.-1 d , ------ - --- ___(I I , 79 -,- , 7" 1/7; :J 11./ ;(() t ----- ___n --- --- - +------ I , -- -+-~-- I ---t- -- - 1--- 1 -1=- --+- L I -- ------- -- =-1=-==--- - r-- - 1'5'.; this tract is composite of various Rayonier ownerships combined at the request of ITT-Rayonier-Grays Harbor Division, and takes effect 1-1-81 1. Block A cyphert's Add lying Nly of Burlington Northern RR spur, the NE\ SE\ lying sly of Mill Street extended East to the Burlington Northern/Elma Branch extension and swly of Burlington Northern/Elma Branch extension, Govt Lot 3, 20-20-3 lying Sly Burlington Northern/Elma Branch extension and Nly of BN/EB spur.