HomeMy WebLinkAbout320194100030 ,.. ~.;4~; 1..9,4. T 0- () o.,-:S,6: LOT BLK DESCRIPTION: PLAT # ACREAGE Tract 3 of NE SE SEC l~ TWP 20 RGE 3 - , DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT 'II' YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 55 ff1528l5 Simpson Timber Co. J .2r;?J S 30 S 3 82,217 - -- . I -- - -- -- - - ---- ACREAGE VAlUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 /. J 2 /.:::JV , 6970 24760 31730 7t1 - --. '~ -I- - /32.Y () 1/7$';'0 6~~~ _ 71. ----- 1-- . /3 'NCI r/J"v=;:.5 Q 1.:2 :2.9(') q, 0:<,;< "'I(')/')() &'3 "7"" .:;; ;)tb7~C) - /11 .,,:::3."):16 /;15<756 3L/Pys,n --.--.,---- ---- ------ -- ------ -- ---- ~~8 -- A tract of land lying in the NE quarter of the SE quarter of Sec. 19-20-3, ~n City of Shelton, as follows: , Beginning at the quarter corner on the E line of said Sec. 19, thence N 86055'50" W along the N line of the NE quarter of SE quarter of said Sec. 19 a distance of 722' to the E margin of 1st St. and the initial pt of this description; thence S 7042'30" W along E margin of 1st St. a distance of 161.36'; thence S 82017' E a distance of 220'; thence S 62017' E a distance of 63.8' to the NE corner of Hal Grant property and the W margin of Simpson Industries Warehouse property; thence N 7042'30" E along said W margin of Simpson Industries property a distance of 189.70' to the NW corner of said Simpson Industries property and NE corner of this tract, this pt lying 4.27' Wly from an iron monument as established by the N.P.Ry. engineers in 1926; thence in a NWly direction a distance of 280'; to the initial pt, this pt lying 24.86' N 7052'30" E of iron monument as established by N.P.Ry in 1926, containing 1.08 acres. Excepting out: COMMENCING at the NW corner of Blk 2, Cyphert's Add to Shelton; th N 7030' E, along the Ely line of First St (Olympic Hwy), 160'; th S 82030' E 220' to TPOB: th S S20S1' E 60_84' + - to a pnt 60' Ely, measured at right angles frcm the W line of Alleghany St extended N 7030' E; th N 7042'30" E 21.82' + - to a pnt S 82030' E from the pob; th N 82030' W 60.00' + - to the POB. The land as descr above shall become a pernianent part of & appurtenant to Tract 5 of NE SE, 19-20-3, City acreage. Auditor's File #441454