HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300180 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~ -..-. ......-..... lOT BlK ~:;;):o:Tq~/, "3..QnI.g.Ol # ACREAGE Tract 18 of SW NE ~ SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 , [ - / If Jj ,/),~ " ',' I .' DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT 'I/' YEAR AUD. #: TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 60 "''#'185480 Norman Hulbert et u S 30 S 3 ~?'fl'if , #68294' 5/80 76754 Wavne H. Tav I or et ux ( L is M 11 $48000n~ '% 3f,:JD7S ~"""d. .~-I ,J ')fl_, ...... .sf -# 700&3 go IA~, dh ")0 .3 Ifj'l '7 ~~~7;:;'7.;;J,Y 3Rf? l?2 ~ In ,-') . ~./l<.L /5' //- I =.,....."\ '1'1 31t, ':70 0 O"'1J /J~flL, ,/5' X I J t:; /'J/) / -'" / .- ~ --- '-- -- - ----- -- -- -- - -----~ t--- ---- _.-----_.---~ -- -- ~-- 1--, f I , I ----- , ~ - - ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON -Y~~T1DELAND --, ._~ , B OF E r_.Jl.NIMPROVED _ IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL m 0 -e- -9- - I ~ . _u_ _~...L___ I ---t- I I I I "1--- I .5~ ,- ~ ,~ .<---,,~. -- - ._~.....c__". __ A tract of land in the SW quarter of NE quarter, Sec. 19-20-3, as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 6, B1k "Q" of David Shelton's 1st Addn to Shelton, Wash; S 7030' W 85' to the initial pt of this particular description. From said initial pt run S 7030' W 100', more or less, to the center of Goldsborough Creek as now located; thence along said center of Goldsborough Creek 120' more or less, to intersect with E line of 7th St as extended; thence 85', more or less in a N1y direction along said Eline of 7th St. to a pt 85' distant from SW corner of Lot 5, B1k "Q"; thence E1y and parallel to the line of B1k "Q" and 85' distant for a distance of 120', more ~~,less, to initial pt of this tract, being one-fourth acre, more or 1es~EXCEPT A tr of land sit in SW of NE of Sect. 19-20-3W, W.M. daf: AI I th ptn of sd SW of NE which lies Ely of the Ely R!W I ine of 7th St in the City of Shelton, Washington as shown on David Shelton's 1st Addn to Shelton, Wash., Vol. I of Plats, page 2, extended Sly as the same is now constructed and in use, and Wly of the Wly I ine of a tr of land heretofore conveyed to Norman Hulbert and Betty H. Hulbert,husband and wife by deed dated Feb. 20, 1943, recorded February 23, 1943 in Volume 80 of Deeds, page 53, under Auditor's Fi Ie No. 104547.