HomeMy WebLinkAbout320185139015 r DESCRIPTION: PLAT Mr. VIEW ADD LOT W2 15, E2 14 BLK 39 11= ACREAGE f32D I 85J ."? t"f.oj~ SEC TWP RGE I J I DISTRICTS AFFIOAVIT # YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 68 41237805 Vern H.Sykes et ux S 0' S 3 4113663 jj;Jj (1" . 7/~G , .tI'sSt-.6-:3' JS1{)11 7/~(f, to!?:! 31./,,5<91 "J,' . 1::. I... 'JJ.(".{.1L-, <- 1.1'1 1/ j(~ };) _~_/. Ahc:1;pp ..f). lrc-. ) k:! 7/r.;z.,? 31?5"579 T.. ! "",sO()() :J';'(; /~(j () - ---- ---I-- - - I - - - - - ------ - - -- , , -- - --- - ---- - - -- - --~- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 70 2360 2360 , ____'- --- - 7# - - I //J"le - , ,- _~7.;ltl ,,----- 1I..z;;'.1> _ - 7--, ,- I-- --- ---- S;) ).J -- ::, ;; () c_ - - - - - - -- - -- I / SO~O '11 /.:;7) /C (J f{o.! /~G_ 15" [,((' - 'ifS 5eG '- 17 -- -- - - - /0 080 10 08..fJ... - ----- --~- 3.3 '7 t.u , f~ -If,' '" 7 ~ 112/1 .;:,j a.-'/ " 1 Tr. A SP # 41 (city) 1- ~ '!tie &Ioat. half of Lot. 14 ..e t.M _at. half .f J.ol U. .loc-~ ]9, ",_ub. '11.., Ad4it.tClll't to SMltOll. ".h.1M'tor.. aecort.f><: to t.hr ~~ plat. Ulenof 111 t.blr officI of \-h.. ".htLt fc! RaKlrl COUDt)', "ahinvu-. 901_ 2 of .laa. pep U. ALSO. Ulat po:t1C1f1 of the Daviel: ihe'1t.on DooatiGrl La~ Clat. ao. 37. beiDg . PDrt of ~. Icutbwelt qua~tar of ~LiO~ II. '!'Dw1lShip 20 IIo)rt..h. -PIl. ) "ut, ..1'1... dil'..C"rib<'d.:o tollOOO'I: lle91nnioq dt. t:be Southealt corner of tI (' tint ha U of Lto' 15, Block 39. JIIo\muln Vi_ ~.It.io:'l to su,ll.CID, ...t,l"9'tC':l. thence. Ioutha;:-1y. .101l9 the nat 111'11' of lalel: ttett h;!~t ot Lot 15. e:lItended Ioatherl,. to .,.. Snt.nec'uon 'tI1tl'l H,e IIortMtl' rigbt-of-..y :1~ of PTt~T! ,tat. .I~~.' ~~, , COlv~)c .I~~~; l the~ tieatar:.)', along th.. Mortht!rl)' rlqt---of_8\ hrl> of -.al. P;d..ry But. 1119h"ay ~. t. \.0. poi"'t t....no<m wHc', ~l/.11l inter.act the "at It~ of ~ !Aal h~]r r~ ~\ It, .J~\ ]<, of .al~ MocDtain Vi.v A4dltlon .xt.nd~ Suutl~rJ}: t.bwn~ ~rt~e[I}. .1?D9 the ..i.1 ....t llne eat.pn4ed 50utMr - 'f, t~ the 5out~; t COct'lU!T of aal.1 Eaal. half of Lot 141 t.wnf'. l:ar.\Nl) , .10"'1' V. SOUtherly 11~a of the ea., balf af Ln~ 1.. .ne l.t.~ ties' half ~~ ).at. H. to thol paiDt ot be,J.M1Jtf.