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Yeer FlI. No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 35b Rd. Ich. ~~ FPol_ I SALE PRICE )6 Harren NAME of OWNER ?'i9:J.41J (!,.,tJ. Lea Gazzam -M-/JrY.J..J/ /"S/ j,1.1hf tb7 '~o?l? 'h-rA '!iJ.L fit;-)! '()!}, Ii !IDL '/1f1tff 7t/~ e 'J/lt, tkv J ~ ::;~H'53 2 lOlL / 1100. ;17;, J::m'~ 2.14"/<< L&I~ 1./1 t1 ,t:,-1Ji- '.,1 ) " 1/ 1i..L 10'( _.L!L L (-( '1lil.. t.. 7lk~" ~.. iF r~;rm JJ-A' JJ" ~ /7.3?"/ -- /69Cz.. n fCa"; ~6 f' ~-'/6~'(,p .H{,;i.2,z'1 - ----- ------ _~u.l . Yeer Oyd.r -4- 4- 01; 0- ~ 2L L!:L 77 ~ ~' '0," -- ~... .... ~~ ~----~=---~-=---- .' ,... -". ._--_._~-~~--~-~-=-- ~~~--=-----------------~ - ~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmbflr Unlmprovld Improved Timber UnImproved VALUATIONS C3r?r:;rYl;:J[{i5t 01 () 0 1-'t17L~ ,.u'u, .' _c,.... ." "" ~ Ji9!i .. . TOTAL Older ~ C/, 5.' I~c ' , LOT sec. BLK. TWN, ROE. .:1-... . .-....~~.:.,,_..:,:.~~-.. "",,' - , ~ . ,", Imprond Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE /OcJ ../0 c) ,f'o IJ 80,) / IH'7J / ~~-,.-v /.;MI! ,7(7~ ..L;'.",- ~./ --;- ....: / cJc:?C" /c:'500 .7 11~ /' :< /')()(j /eJOO /O(J(J - loc> () IOeJ Cl /r./t ~) /000 '.,'.... .~ -<~ / I / {' ;L . ,~-/,' L_ -Z'- ...,... , +- . ,~ . - tL-5 ,-.1/ /, ,