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Year File He. NAIIE., OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ s-ct Rd. loll. Port PUD F'PD SALE PRICE' ~ . ;./ %i/l'J1.4 ,4J .2 u H . t'/ / cJ{;O ~:J,OCJ~~' 7.z; ,------1 ;.~;....,--, ''''-. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Oysttr Timber I Unlm,...od lmorov<<l I Improvement. (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE Ye.r Oy,ur ,M &3 foC, c' ZL 7f-1 7~ Timber Unlmprovlld Improved TOTAL /;)- too s 7L'o ;;< Ie; ,. bo ;~ / ""'>:-;;0 ,__ l?-.,-..-) / .?/~~ o..---?,?t()_ ,~ 4l-~ "--~. .,,.;;."'"" ~ C;;.5<, /J:3/) /<,.____...::;"~.:ro .! c" c,C' of /) tJI -:::;;'::;().~-' 3c', 05 (\,\) .s (00 'ilx-'!, 6/00 /od ~ . LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. AGE. J~j ;&'5.0,6; i'1~l&Ij ;,,;;:- ","0- ~... ~~___ ";,'X"T'\ "-. '<!.-~::< r .:t';:'",. ' :;:"'~ ~