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Year FlI. He. NAME IIf OWNEft CONTRACT TO h" Hnw"ro & Robert Roland i r/ ,;?cJ 7.:1 .3'J i-A .,..,-z~I~ /7 A~. ~ ) () (/, I' ;;/71 530,),3'1 ~ J1,ywnMV c;7-) (f{) _, _..__.~ _u Y..r Oyst.r .1;2 ~-- "?11 J:' 71 7.2 7'1' ~ 19 7CJ /1/ LOT lEe, NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL Oy.t.r Timber Unlmproyed ImproYed v ;;1 ~/, (JO;' , ee), BLK. TWH. RGE. " --,' 3,'*.'-~> .. .~(j/l::lO- If; DISTRICTS 01 5"1 Rd. Ioh. ~ort PUD FPD SALE PRICE' '}, 2 0 T 3 L -! --t?- .:}. ~o lL 3 L L ~ d 103 I 3 g L- II -=- '<61 I *.3 T :5 :L L H K"""'" r:?J,-~ ,y ----.------- ----------- ----- ----- -----\ '.....--- ."---...- iIIl. __~__~_'_~~_-"""_,-','.~,;"-"r~ t- VALUATIONS Timber Ilmprovemenb (BuildingS) B..fE. ~ VALUE 5b~_ 10,;<;;;- _ Unlmproyed Improyed .&C>G h;;>'~ /. /'? /,~ -, / " ~~-' , /';~-'//) L:Y.2.a _ F/"j1J /~6 71.2.2'Q.2:.- d~(J ':5 ~OI5~~ ~......r:j ..;;'(,,<::'01 ~"';:,O (..7.'717 I-jLiOQ JJ.2~_ jJJ\,,(J ~\Q~() ~lo~O _ &,l>5-0 (,00 0 1.:?7S() I _,,' ..,_i,'_'-_