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y.... FII' No. NAME of OWNER CGNTRACTTO DISTRICTS <..: ,')'- L- SALE PRICS Rd. Be.. Port PUD FPD ~'2"""~7 64 / (/,,!; Scott & ~!a t tus E.W.Junell 2 20 T ~ L $27~O " . ~ L&'~~ :::1 I!~ ZtI ~.I~ if arL ,;:2 ~o T 3 :? L ~ !/:l..8- !g3QJy5 :4" u e _ ~hHr~ iL, (J. b If d.. 1@. I ..3 L L- ;/ ti:6-5 f?:20 ~ '10'!rr3 -1" 1/ e ,) ,,;/t/ (L, 1'1 I elf';; --r .'< Ix 1- J::L p<b00932, A. '. __ _t'."_.!;. ) '.I, ',? " , ....~.' Qe.;;> (/ (j / t'Jl5D - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - , ---- ~~::~~:~--~~---~-~---- . --;:--~~ ~---:;...::.~-_: -- ------------------;:.~.~.1.---.i . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y,.r Oltler Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Old.r Timber Unimproved llllProved ImpronmfJnu B.otE. (Bulldlnaa) VALUE rM /tJa /l!Jn .1i.- ; '-:;-:;'~;; ./ ..9..J;; /e25 ~ 5-5.tJ $"StJ . . //~,O //0.0 1;; /5tJ'" ~,m /00 ./-; 36.0.0 - ; '7 ~~6 ~((j, ~ ~~ ~ ~ IMJdEJ j (f ~ 3.s-oo SS'oo .E!:. ,16 10 JZ:J. ;;Y.l13 1', 105'OQ /0.500 /, .. , LOT BlK. - 15' \ - . lEe. TWN. ROE. (i..~~2\~S:WI()ytj I ,~-. ,2 . ., , . " ,C', , . . I Beginning ,at a point which is the NE corner, of l2t 5, B1~. 2; . t~.LeJ.l\.;t: :;1,y o.lol.Lg ~':al.il1t~ TVT"..lCW L.1 ..Lv!::: <:l. l~.i-=> Lct.ilce uf IlG 1; LrHjUct:: 'o.'ly on a course which is II 61"'E a distance of 90'; thence N 1"''<1' W 110.52'; thence TT 580E 90' to 1. P. .-.. .~~....",,,,-..,,, -- -- --- ~tt.:, - ..,.,.".,., I