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Y.., F11.NO.Co f 310g lip NAME of OWNER ')2 10678/ Frank Salmi et ux J/ l/~ P'.:; d ~ .d7_ u, J7- . ,0 n ~P' t,.-.: 1-211 /9~ / -1?~7~ <.-GtL.. (/ h'3 '/) J9h~ 7? '-#::A (0". .L. _L , 6?"'~~'. J-.. -J' ~ hb /t~.,CI A '_J ,!23 "-7-r. / ~_ :';0 F2;~~;;'j c- H ~. ' _ ~ ------ %p, (; , , Ib...",~~,. f)(J ,1/';), :i ------ 1-0/'78 31()~it 0,,. D !J. (l. ~, · -- 71(. _qIIJ;::1.' L "" ('''" /7 rf '21'~. ^ :ti... -- "'"ti2-37::2- 'II, jj 'ifZ ------"#71-;/'1"'0/ ~gb.i0131~ ~~~ u,:&z.JJ0 34-(JD --f- -" ~co CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7 n Rd. Soh. Port pun FPD SALE PRice: ..3..~ S lUt, ~ g).L 0;) S~:2L -Z 1-1 A: l1. Ii>./l - ... - /..5000 #"';?/7$6" . " -f- ..::J!J!=-- :3330 Ji',37'1.(d -.~~. ,.~.-- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber 1 Unimproved Improvad TOTAL Orlter Tlmb.r Unlmpro...ed Impro....d Impro....ments (Building.) B. of E. VALUE .7.J &,/ /.t; '7& 1'1 9&. if 'it; co? .c7 .16 . " 50 &,,::;P /dJ.O ';J,~Q IIJM ~-:fo Sio ;20 ~D ~t!:P /~.o '~Ljpl I tJ ()!JJ 5".10 ;):5% fit) PI) /~ '0/,; . Ie; 5,'{) . LOT. SEe, BlK. TWN. ROE. =4= I I I SHELTON HOME TRACTS~o'~171~olol~~loT/l\ ~ ~~.... ',,_..'~ .~.;.........../....-.. __,--,c o~\" A <7f1sp !F.51g,-"~;;",flf 3l ?lfl,Wi hie; ",y rtmu/hder) Tract 1 except the East 100' All that portion of Blk 2, which lies South of and between the East and West lines of Tract 3 of Hall's DLC .~- -....-- - ,- - --.. "------....--'- ~--"'..,,---...- -,-- - .-.-. ., . -. ~-_._--- ---~ ..:s L .~; -(1 /~ (: