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V..r FII. No. <;2 .?~14",,""9d'" ";41<7/l.q~), '6,-11 //c27.~ I.S- !!1//1<-:l7. ICe . '-'''' /1' NAME of OWNER Roy Castle et ux 7JTIiIi:. 7fl:, f-d tY .-th" - / A--. (: <7:n;;- ;tCft..5 2;3 /?- f7. A' s. JJ ...__.-:) -c. .' _____ .~/ ... OISTRICTS 70 ~~ po; :=~_I -0,.,9 I!..//?:,,/ ______ II ,/ "XI.L Ljl<;~4- L.Jd. A./1. .}O.~J._'(L /~ _ / CONTRACT TO h' ,., ---- ,/,'),,1.' ~ ...+-. r; ____ , 1//'::: )T' .A'rl n a. . Of '.-"; / /. ----- ----- -- " ......~---~ - -- ----------_..._------~----------- -- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster 5...:l 5";( .ill. ~L. J;l I-- LOT BLK. i- SEC. TWN. "-',.. Timber UnImproved Improved ROE. SKOOKUM POINT .~;,. TOTAL Improvements (BuildIngs) Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved ..j -:}{ tP<'O 17/0 c28"190 -:;>-QJ.<fJ ~ '31.2J oI;t! (I{~/lololol/!71 " .- -;,=~. - -..,,'~ --.- ~.' SALE PRICE! S;. &'/f"..(5- )9/.. -r;; /-"-i': ~C'cJd ~~~.- B. of E. VALUE bt?O /7/0 .:26"00 _~.r-t1~ :::::::L- c. ,-. ~, .