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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRlers -/, Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE <:6 163663 Arthur H. Wolden et ux I, 1..2 S 1-11. ,_L ~ O. -i~ "' ~-~ ..dZ./77'i'9L. /3A_J.;,,-tO I ./ 5- '9l / L/;) S"3 LI L. ,1-7 he! ~/J5-'7b3 ,10,0-, '/J J ~,:-.....;.~ 7/~j __1--_ If, ''/ /,lC(F\/I , ~ 1---- ..!eiz... ,2/':'01[3 ~ 1 Q ~J .J......p!l ____ _UJ1.J50 7/ ./L),IJ1, ~~ ,'-- tJ ,,</U'I htiLwd/h9/o _dJ~&J 1/ it !,,f; ~3.2d'f 1i.L~&i 2J., ~:~t-) "'0/ ~~7.2sm !J)aJii;v ,YJ..' ,/,~ ;-';/- ~lq9,;7/,,;, L)"..,.,. p~ P. 7""''''r:.:;--,f'-a.l '2DlJU f'-"I,,~~ //s-,r,r I"':; ? 2.L. 0;:" >1/ =" ZS"75"" :<75"0. r-- -I-- IF- ,~t:,o~ ?O?'9 ""- 7 ',//.30 tpl'.n 'IIflf*I ....~.;.. -<i........_"'--- . .'. - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro...ed Improved Impro...ements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 225 225 .,,2 ~ n o:7-otC1 ,&~O G~cJ 3..25 3~ ~.a P./ /.tJ /25tJ /.2.<~ 1..2.:.5"~." ..M!. ,0 c:&5J>P ~"JJ~ _. 1..-- ot'JC1 CJ L.5Ooo /~36 t436 7!5i)v P/3t:J 39.3 (j I J !) CJ() I c/,> ') /3930 /;;J.~O() 1'1'30 I.=? 93 () 5L j-g h 6~ M.. 14- ..tP.. .J2,. 1!L lL ~ 1L ~ ,5,., ,I?:~~ , /j /("/' /; LOT BLK. \ SEC. TWN. RGE. 131:: 1 01.11 <lis 1101 c ~1/U1 !.'f.. 'So :100't 4-"-..0&0.. - '. . .~-;;;.,;;;-.;-"'" -. ~- - ------..- .",,-. - I , J-,r.:t..~ ~. 7/M .:::: "~"-'." 91-" <. v' - 1", ", c _. . " c- ,7' I ..... ' ~:' c1_ "::t,1--\ ~ V r. ,~~. t;o),.- U<-<:-"'"" t, ,''if ,Ie: ~ 1 ~ .- '-,- . . - f ')- 1/,/ 1/ ~/