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Yur Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS / Cj / Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! 1;2 88098 stephanie Anna Burroughs L\'~/~"79 ~Ih_/ J ~CJ_"..J <fWD 1 -3Q..Q~l_1L_ .- / "to ~ 3 .:S:..LIi...!.,'J>/J4CS-O ------ ------ ---- ---- ----- .fl /.,y ----~~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~--:~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ ' VALUATIONS 'mp"vom.." B.ofE, Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE '? ,?, S- _ .//1/1 6'd /~cJ F.; f') ~ ,f); c Co - J",9-:'> ,t::;;{; I /~,~ C II.) 3.~o /.0 u 0~j (..1 ;?, ,/-J I,; 0 ;;', 416 r C-~ 11.iL ~n 1# I/;?O, -1~ I,g ..J,'-f. ~I , ) , ' 11<:' .58/, /,(~o /,60 7'1 33 //; ~'/' //'L.,<. /~';-', .::2 ,0< "J __? ~7. 0 r:z,,) t. (' 2 /0 !22. ~- r?,ir".u J..j g 1'.' J.j / ,?'. ::'..~ 0'_) '-;00 C" '/1 , 7pt,,() J 9' .6 ~;- !.:2()u IJ?:Jb ;5..,-, ..2<;~ ;"~ :?dJ<'7~ -''?SZS 7'537'- /'<5';)1) 12,i7J.? 7';- 2,l/-g'7.5 :Z~r,~ ?_..; 1/:-"':'-;.,-) LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN, RGE. --< .. ,"".{' .' SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND '..-- FA~\~C)li' u1d' ~\)'O E: ~--, ---.- - -- .-- -;- - -,. - ~ . - .,.. ,- ~ cc' .. Tr. 7 The E 16; feet of the S 330 feet of Government Lot 4. and the E 165 ft. .f Gevernment Lot 5. all in Section 24. Township 20 North Range 3 West W.M. Also known and described as the east one-half of Tract No. 7 of the unrecorded Plat of Southern Puget Sound Farms. '~. .~_.' .....