HomeMy WebLinkAbout320245000016 V.., File No. ~E 'f~NE:t CONTRACT TO DISmlCTS 1 'I SALE PRiCE' /%~.;?// Rd, ~ Port PUD 1 ~ )./,,, ./ c:.? Marlowe D. Parrett et ux 1 3..Q.g ~ l 7fl [.<;")8')1-"", A".-{/mrJAlIl,., ",Q Q/)'l\J~ I "'P..l 5 ..3 d. I~ tJ531t"Z 4' -~ 2--WD -?;'?<,?.JJ4S (l,t/h'/dJ ('7', /9,R/.?ft?rr f-- - - - - (;ie.o -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~---~--------,.------------------------ ,- ..,. --- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.tor Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenu B.ofE. (Bulldlnas) VALUE ."..P /I. ;;7 / / 'J 7, 10 ,'f%tJ ~tJ ..2 3;') .,;; ?a - Sd 1"0 '~ 15'> zc. )30 ~-70 "I.; 40 3 pC! .20 /? 0 5rJ.O liu, 5'-00 '777 1::27'7 ,9U 0:2.~/ cJ /06 ,dc).6 D tol ~rb 7. 77 /;,17 5'0 23/0 Ic;E> ,;:JSOb &rI .50 .: ,~/ () 17;( ::- -;- ?r- C"iu:.;,l (,;t.~ ..5 -- - S- 5 , , ,7 ) I/,/~ l1, '-,," ~ ,~ 1';1 ~ /r .;;, /..7 r': t' , . , ;-';/.5 >/3-' ,::> ' /:/' </u :J, '/7 /r.:' 77 .y:7..:.J~; .-?i.//) 'j' ' .- 17... 7:,-, IS ) i . / 7i- (.,070 I. .." 7/;- /:':'--.",) /1i>~J " ; ,;e~ 10 ,-, -' 7t1 1,&, 'In " ..1.9 1 oJ /) /L!'-I-/.. f.J '-It 7f'(' I ~ 16 -:;.:2 "",,0 /9.5J_"\ / -77 3:2,0:,7. i, /)/- - .: ::,'~./i , I it ~, 4" ."7,r;c; 7 /{Cf 15~(1 'J 39// '/ ;1.....,...,,;.-. ....c;:<. _ LOT BLK. ,1 ~f- SEC. TWN, RGE. SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND FARMS 131..11 d;l..\ cAstolo ord):" . , - / ------- ' - T-"". .. / - . , " -..~. ...........,., ",-n. .. - - .~-; r ax 922 All T.L. of the 2nd class, for;clerly o\mod b;,' t;,e State of Wash. situate in front of, adjacent to or abuttinl~ upon that part of Lot 4, See. 24-20-3, measured alC'ne; the Gov. M.L. as follows: 3gn at the pt. of intersection of the S. line of zW:W Lot 4, \-lith said M.L. & runnin[: thn N. 70 \v. 264.66' & N. 40 W. 9.6~,phs. to the true pt. of bRn of this desc.; thn Nvlly along said N.L. i.611 chs. lG/l, to the N. line of said Lot 4, with a frontage of 7.64 lineal chs., mil, measured alonE: the Gov. N.L. :;!y.;" The North t of the Northwest t of the Northeast t of the Southeast t. and all of Govern- ment Lot 4. except the South 990 feet thereof; all in 24-20-3 W of W. M.. being also known as Tract 2 of the unrecored plat of Southern Puget Sound Farms, less roads. ......._,,_n_ __ ~ ..~, ,~~ I -L- Year I Oyster I . N UMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved 83__,____ ,~,'i'l -1-------- -, -'-- -c--' 5. en I TOTAL I I}, t./? ---- ----------, f-------------,_____ ______ Oyster Timber I I I I I VALUATIONS Unimproved I Improved ! I . b,~u Improvem.nts [BuildinQl) B. of E. VALUE S.3'JCJ /</30(', I 1,_- -==l ..--~-=I 1=- '-'----'------------ ~------ -f--, -n------c-'