HomeMy WebLinkAbout320245000012 Y... File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I "If SALE PRICEl Rd. Soh, Port PUD FPO "2 Fred D. Price et ux 1 ~ S .2.... L ~() /v<- /L / :t. Ii. /1 ", / 4az.. 5 .3 '5 L If Ii-- rf'i?od, %~ 2gr;111 -'"J 1I,'J71e ?'A, :;':"-;lI/SS; &. .3'9. 9'/7 - <:JCJ("o %3 ~5'tJ761 _J~ ct~~ pf -?<-i ' II "f' " V - - 141s 3t/j-2(, iF 9- .1J7e.[iiJ.h-Hj ,pf4 OCOO - - - >-- - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - ----4IJ.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4It--~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber UnImproved Improved ImprOYlmenu B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE s;- 5 ..s- ISO ~,}O 3?D .5~C:; /5"0 4-70 e:, '}- 0 '- ~/; ;{;0-6 ,47 a-& - 9.'rCl -,L7 0 If/;;. Cl LI 5'-00 b-tn> 95b Si3b ;t/pr;- I I. c/ rJ,.-- I "::-1'.:...- IK"C- 1- ~~..-' f--4.k a~ , /~/D / ) /, . /J :? " , 'J //9) /~(,/) ,;/-/,:,-/J J<; /9.//' /~~o .. '::r>~.I.: v ,.,.. r ,-- :;; ,:,,/ r: b'j'IQ I '7/ , , . ~IJ(: rl ..-y 0,":- /2 .- " f - -" ' - . /..., " , ~ - 7') .5'- ,.. -if , ,'., - 7' - .:}c l?d [lhD ' ,/ It. c.'le .5 r, fa L.:> /7;(() !co , I,~,' :';.:< f!c .'( /I.~';"/J "-1 ;:. LOT BLK. / OJ SEC. TWN, ROE. SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND FARMSI31~loi~:/1S10f()TOlol/!~ I '~,~ . ; , '. ~-'--~ .~ - --,; , -----.- r'. C-l Part of Lot 3, Sec 24-20-3 described as follows; Begn at the ME cor of Govt Lot '3, Sec 24~20-3 running thn S along the E line of said Lot 3, 220.44 ft. to the IP of this description; thn S 530 W to an intersection of the ML thn in a SEly direction along the ML 136 ft, mil, to a pt which is S 5~0 W of a pt on the E line of Lot 3, 390.44 ft S of the NE cor of Lot 3; thn N (530 E ?) to an intersection of the E line of Lot 3; being a pt 390.44 ft S of the NE cor of Lot 3; thn N on the E line of Lot 3, 170 ft to the place of begn, cont. 5 acres, mil, except a 15 ft R/w along the E line of Lot 3. tf/iVgblJ./c tj Ji:. :;cZe.; WI , ,/0- O~, ." - -- Year Oyster ZJ:. x':; 1-- -+---- -- ., .-" NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved .oj /1r, +--- --- n+ I I TOTAL 1_ Oyd.r ,';"" .'j limb.r UnImproved VALUATIONS Improv.d 1 I Impro....m.nh (Bllildin(HI B. of E. VALUE '?,';U" C,?() /. 3':; [;,3;Z 35 9.::1 7C[ c:;-; If C I 1- LI/ ;