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Year FII. N.. NAME., OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. loll. DISTRICTS I q I Port PUD FPD --- S3 5'L)I -- 63 Jacobys Shorecrest, Inc. f) 1, PI><-- 1 40~ ----.6.2 l,.;q ,){~ ' ^ /. J. 'J 1!J ~7;!!~~~_~~~~ ~7 {/ t/ .JQ..'l/)Cr,~ .f__J~e..\ .fzL ~i?1~~ 17'1~ ~ yf.,' u' .d u- . (' .(J,..h. )3rkJD ,; / , . v /-en,:) V ~ '15'907'5 t2u.!~ ~. - --lr^ J ~ ." --- - -~ NUMBER OF ACRES V..r Oy..., Timber UnlmproVlld Ilftprond TOTAL -51. ~--- 6.1- ~ -"/Ie/- -#1/ ~ c,.'r("':'~kJ J.7,5 I..." /4 F3 LOT BLK. Ire. TWN. !<, 3 &14 5 ~ ----""------- -_.~--.. _. -. ....- Oy.... Tlmb., ~S'~ h .y(j'~ /tlJtJ>~ . 1----- --t--'-- VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved #,,z6 /6(s JfM!) 1/",( 0 a b2~tO 102~d L~~6~ ;{,d2cJ "(.)':;0 SALE PRICE =:>-501 _L.-c 65.77 "'!If..:::?.?.."..:? -- B- - . -3('#};;"1 i 22( 4 '# (., </ I " /,ooc) gf6' "I;Pc:.... . Improvemenb (BulldlnCJI) B.ofE. VALUE /~,- ,/....lJ"o _ It t}13 !t?) - 2,d 2fdO ,~tO h~ 7 "on ~- .