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Y- File He. NAIIEofOWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I'll SALE PRICE Rd. 10.. Port PUO FPO - - - - ,t, ---(,77(,. 63 Shorecrest Inc. GE. ~-,'~ 1 40 ~ i 3 Ei' 1;.1- .3 3.5!J, A t!:J?!. Il.. .1<: " ;H--,;;!fJ7 ';?.3X<i: ~::, ~. ., l;\*~u~ f \ \ '\kc.G... .Dt n \. " " .~o51 511- -;;:'.Q ?1 0 hR./' I '" 'Y.z..z. // ;/, .- - !b.:L 3:<.31..g.>t (1,. j., ;f (I.... A, J?" r/ h. '""\ I I-- - - - c-- W u - . - - - -- - - - - - - .:- '"-<---- ----- - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yo" Oy..r Tlmb" Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst,r Tlmb.r Unimproved lmprond Imp'ovom.nb I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I~if h...o / .;u>_ - ~ , -- /6'0 ~ --- - 9{).-~- - iLl ff@,~ I, A- /~(J;O. /60{) 2't /u/, . . .~ ..'JeIt'IJ 320.0 Jlf =124() ~tD ~ - --2d: .3 to ur~ 3 t, ()(J ['3 3c'~!" SbOO . LOT BLI<. " arc. TWN. R8E. I ~~I(')I.2J/ 15I"loI/lob.~1 1 ~ ~.~jL . ,'," . . , -