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y.... Fir..... OISTRlen /9 1 Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD 1 +02 81;- i;'I:H NAME.t'OWNEft CONTRACT TO ...Q3- .M... s-I~/",;;:<? Cp, ,'l- ~~ ". d '9~ If 7/), ~4'J//ft, (,:d, J .;.... .,r: '.iJ. . /1. ~ ,y' '%~ 8.3 ;;q/ C'{),,jA i. ,. d-f7 ,J-V:; / l'/,g.:t. 1-o'1Sg,? ---vh I,' .. 0 ,-nf --1h' '..1 J!.e:Iw 1/,,/ '. \ rnn/1 Jacoby's Shorecrest, IALE PRICE g ~ ;p'P"/..:?;z _ _ . :79.5- ----- ---.-- -- --1----- ~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y- Order Timber Unlmpnved' Impmed TOTAL .",.... Timber Unimproved' Impl'Oftd ~ ~ '1rJ hJ , "J,h 6'3 "" --.I' -/<; , /:2~ /.50 . ~t)~ /~~ ,:V/()(O fl." 0 () 3dlOO ---' () . .- '0-1 /0(' N 3d:1on ., LOT eLK. TWN. - r31-'-=I-l/f~-rsto'-'Al3V I' . ROE. -- " "'::J?"J'i '-Ito" :te~o//o $';: ,y,o Ul~ ... _._~ Improvemeftb (Buildings) '.oIE. I- VALUE 1_ ~-,- /-5<0. n ~t!Jj; /.ti5:0 ;lJL(CXlP _ -2,;/O.C 3~oo . _ ~ .;;)tJr'