HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065000018 DISTRICTS 1'1 f\ Rd. SchojPort PUD ~- I 'i2 11289( Harley E. Johnson et ux J-3Q;_-3-_...L.. rr;... i.J? A L1J A /1.];; - ,,- /I 5< (L-5D3._..w..!LL..1:L &r "'6 ~i'<' 7(0% ".//.,./ rJ //; -;f: !tW l~ ,:,!'j'so~ fit:t3~o 5hs 3tJoo76 7lj.."L ,) w.:J.I~ 7F r) ~d ___---,' 5)12 - d.!,:,~S -1 'G :Vu, &...,6. l' '" 7,;;'.57;L.,~..? ---- i!;1135c;;fJo 1;4,4.-.' /,.,dD ,7 If{ ;LA/JILl: I. ,f{ oo:(,,~37g ;ft:< '13751(., JIf;;-... -I d / j-J W..o Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! . ~ ----~ ----- . . , ....,..'. ---- ..:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.menu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 05'';< -1.70 4'- ? tJ I.:? 0 /t? II ,:J J/.?':; sI- ll. 70 J/, 70 Ik- $'i50 /000 /01 '1-.70 '/70 - :< ';to 119,"- /u'''li:'" IL~ .;;~ /lh5 Jt/~ :r Iui t/. /0 </./0 --J ;; ,J /.. ,~ ;,~ /39'.- ':<.20 11/0 /-.5'3 0 1// l;;1-5'% 2/'.': /.3.9.5 ' ) ) /~.:.o c;j , //,j..;, - - - ~, ') .. /,-,' c.2 ~ () /..3 0 ~ ~--. / ' , , U ~..;;o .;::; ;,., 0 ;2&.:;' _;:2 P':) f?O ......'..../ fo9 d.~/ C "/ /7::;- 1 ~~-"i:.-- r-.. _ , -'''' /( /.t:;r/ I. <HJ ;1. ' 'I , ",0 /3'7.:.> . ./Je.) /.f'~,;. .~ I-:tJ , , ~Y;;.r' /, :.,,-1/ ,.;~ I ./ '7:fO - 'l7J . , 'Ili l.- lOr)' r, J;/ r,~ C:-'l 5.;'0 S- ' 'Or,!::> 677S'::. - c:>'-~ "'II.. . 3.:s 7 c1 3!.:70 7/ t/o 80 .: '-:-/0 'f /! '-10 447/0 LOT: BLK. ?:- 37(. 35 76 ..1570 7/ 'fO SEC. TWN. ROE. SOMER'S HIGHWAY TRAC.TS-. ~ 11,' C ,'.~ "t alo to 111M - ~~,--"~- - G4t?,b' - ~..~-<~-. I '-','. > .-"---" - , _."- All that porti'nof the N~NtNt o~ SF. WE Sec 6-19-3 W. w. M. lying West of the Westerly R/W line of Primary State Highway No 9 (OlYlapic Hy) said land bein~ also knwon and described as Tract 9 of the Unrecorded Plat 0 of Somers Highway Tracts(Said land being conveyed to the crantees subject to the reservation for public road purposes of the North 40 feet and the West 20 feet thereof. ~-.. -- ~ - I { " ./". 2- S 0/'10(.1 ,--~-, -&>;: /.-- / / , ..- "\.._.,/1 - '-;..", -1'- ,./ ~ ~ I (/ f' ,~fl '. /' i> ,1 T T I I I I I I (.~' . -~ ., ---"-- -.L NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oystar Timber Unimproved Improved Impro".rnenh 8. of E. - (Buildin91) VALUE '1;/ ---- I--- ' ' ~~ 4 .43 1.017 " 000 41140 S~I'fo f'! "'...-1 .J 7(" .,MB 11000 t.'t -f 0 17 'lYO '7'1 l/'I I ;7 1/6,?,~" I (: '/'/0 /791"0 .. 7'1' I. '1 '1 I. 'i 7 11000 (,,'1'10 /790/'0 -- 1-, - 1- -'-- ---- - -- --, ---~-~--- .--- ----- -- - 1 - --,- -. --- 1___- -- ---- ----- --- --- - ---- ----- -- -- - -- - ------ --, I ~'----- . i I . : LOT BlK. .. . SEC. twl<!. ~C?J. ---- ....... i-. 11,'- ~. '"",""-'," . \ -,...;j -