HomeMy WebLinkAbout322355000007 t' PATHSClN-BROWN HOOD CANA L TRACTS - v.., File No. I~I I It) It CT "TO DISTRICTS !J, 5 C) SALE PRICE Rd. So.. Port PUD FPD <;2 14l90t Annabel Huntington IMe.lV~~ 2 20 T 3- lL >" """ - L/ /9') A '7/ )\/n. Co Ii O~ /J Q I...z- / /rY){) +,?>('Jo,do /J (/ 'j - - - ~?' /.1, d.. 2Q. T .a.. L L 1L ~ 4"b3 T ."i 1. f:.. /I Iff /- Ziti -r .3.... L "--- iL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - -.--411.-----------------~----------------------------------------------------------~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oyola' Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovtd Improvtd Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlnlll) VALUE 1..;-, ,ff-3 ;j...J 10 ISO ",zcJ 0 :;U. 0 S'.3 10. ISO ..:?~v "i-;( 0 !;"Z1 ,,/3 ,t,/3 /0 SaC! ,;;L(go 770 ;;,,, ~ .;;r eJ d 0:<60 76 0 Iii b(){fJ 39() ~;1o L.t. ,;;5% .~ 1/R6 ///CJ i~ ~ ~,.f'b ./.? ::<--4 - 110 " ~rd F.!i7?O 9gf) ;;.1 go 1'7/ l;;i>,~ , ~S?f"j t?.?o 1-1..1'. . ii;;' /lit''' " - /" >I". I~d 100% MO@D 3330 /3330 I/-j(~ . J LJ c.~.,() { 'leu ;;Ii '/C,O 79 -- . c - 3;7SfJ :??30 ~,-5g0 , . . I/~ I (l.Jllr (-'1, () ( '{ ILihoQ 1i'1 DU 2/4w y, 00000 I;) 3?S 11\<65\5 LOT BLK. 7 IEC. TWN. RGE. PATTISON-BROWN HOOD CANAL TRACTS 0.- . , ' . .. . . , All that portien of Gev. Lot 5, Section 35, Township 22 Nerth, Range 3 West, W.M., particularly described as fellows: Beginning at a peint on the Nerth line @f said Gov. Let 5 N 890381'46" E. 294.92 feet from the NW corneref said Gev. Lot 5 (bing the NW corner .f said Sectien 35); running thence S 0020'14" E. parallel with the W beundary of said Lot 5, to the Southerly line of said Let 5; thence S 79041'50" E along the Seutherly line of said Let 5, 28.16 feet; thence N 87033'10" E along the Southerly line of said Let 5, 21.84 feet; thence N 0020'14" W. parallel with the W line of said Let 5, te the N line of said Let 5; thence S 89038'46" W, along the N line of said Let 5, 49.29 feet to the point ef beginning; said land being also knewn and described as Tract No. 7 of the unrecerded plat .f Pattison-Brown Hood Canal Tracts, EXCEPTING therefrem right-ef-way fer county road. ALSO all tide lands of the second class, as defined by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws ef 1927, formerly ewned by the State .f Washington, situate in front ef, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland, also rights in the community water system. 't -.. ..- .. T ......- _n....:;..;;_'-.__._. _ ....:;: