HomeMy WebLinkAbout320255000049 "-5/_,.- " ..." ~n~~v n^nv ,- ~OIOIcJI~TO Year /-,Y~}'~h I DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO ,..:J_ ~~' - - - - - - -52. I ~629 'i William SnYder .3.... lJL S 3..... .lL ~ - J/ ;70 -</,Z f -4d.E. / 7~d~ 8-1 .t.S J:!: ?H.otCe-. dI"V-<f.bOfSf{, ( 42- .3.... .=j.... /.- %3 _. L " !?/~- ; =P'.3S7~1 '...L ....1LL - - -1- - ,*.1- /fo {) 771 (J ,'t/. - --1--1-- #:-3'/1"3...5 5;8,/ S...,. 12 . ~7,.h/L d oJ. JivO ~ '~r tfilEt .4wcO 3'<:-, 5#,. 1 I i-I- I J___ I " ! . 1-1- -i--I-I- -'-1-1-1 - --'-,- 1- ! ! ---1- - \- -1--1- .~---4It---------------------._--_.-------------------------------:--------------~---~ N""''' 0' A"" ~ "'","ON' " ,N : ' 1m rovMlenb B~of ~ - Year Oyster Timber Unlmprov~ Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Ur;lmPlllv..:! Impr.ved (:ulldlnos) VALUE ~ .;1// ?I // ~ -/..5- 52 0>;.(, 1340 . /<.10 /5'0 .).90 .b] 13.l/-r'o 1311/.6 1<10 13;2 ul -j!00 1.1- /"10 ,J"~CJ '17 D UL .;2.S~ /:7$' . I /,035 /..zM 1il -!i j~C) /7S-1 I //)35" /QI(J Ji J.4!:/Jz. ..;2 I /JI/ 13/16 3'&'tJ I 1451.:25~ 14% :4.7.'1"11 JJ2- 1/ :?.L/6 S-Otp't!l ~s: ;.070 SS,??J 2L II t/ 6 /,C() 3..2 70 -fP- .~..:2. 7<" 12' 3S:;<C; 2!?7t7 55,? /J' .JQ ~"'99~ ;1.t)l5'tJ 55?0 ~ I~&% f)'q %iZ) 57 ba )/1111-0 c;90 S(~~U /5 y.,]() 79 I/, I{{" ( t')tJ (;;.{(, 1/0/7"0 3/,..30 I~ 10 /tl/?o -'-I.3O'/D 53:<3<: LOT BLK. ~IUIIlENT USE SEC. TWN. RGE. MILL CREEK PARK ...,.......OPI;'N SP....CE , ' ~AICUll.UAE l...<1._"Cl.i!Jld ", ^, 1.1. 1 j _ fOREST ,Aj I - '., ,. . . - ~=--.........~- ~.,. TRACT 48 All that portion of the Seuth half (S!) of the Seuth half (S!) of the Ssuthwest--quar~er (SW~) of the Northwest quarter (NW~) of the SQuth- east quarter (SlIk}l. WhiC.h lie.s West of Gosnell's (Mill) Creek;alsQ, ~he South half (S~ of the-S.0uth half (S~) lJf the Southeast quarter (SE~) of the northeast quarter (NE~) of the Southwe6t quarter (SWk), excepting therefrenl, however, the West t-wenty_J20) feet and that portion of the/present County Read now in use; all in Section 25, Twp. 20 North, flaOge ) West, W.M., containing 4.11 acres, more er less; said land being also known and described as Tract No. 48 of the un- recorded Plat of Mill Creek Park. TRACT 49 ALSe that portion of the North half (N!) of the Seuth half (S!) Qf the Seuthwest quarter (SW~) of the Northwest quarter (NWk) of the SQutheast quarter (SE~) which lies West of uosnell's (Mill) Creekj alse the Nerth half (N!) of the ~outh half (S!) of the Southeast quarter (SE#) ef the Northeast quarter (NE#~ of the Southwest quarter (SW~)j all in Section tw~ty-five (25), Township twenty (20) North, Range three()), West, W.l'., excepting therefrem rights-of-way for public roads, containing 4.50 acres, more er lessj said land being also known and descTibed as Tract No. 49. TRACT 50 That portion of the South half (S!l of the North half (N!) of the SQuth- west quarter af the Nerthwest quarter of the Southeast quarter which lies West of Gesnell's (Mill) Creekj also the South half (S!) of the North half (N!) of the Southeast quarter of the NQrtheast quarter ef the Southwes west quarter( all in Section twenty-five (25), Township twenty (20) Nerth, Range three )) West, W.M., excepting therefrom rights-of-way for I ~~UbliC roads, containing 4.85 acres, more or l~ssj said land bein...c also known and described as Tract No. 50 of the Unrecorded Plat of M~l Creek Park. / " ~T t"t:, .--'i-"/" __ L ,. ./1 tlL;'/b.- ;;/. , I .....;- .-t.,t': 1._ r If __~ <.,.1-., -/' . , , -' .-,. ~" /' -~. '. I ~ '4~':)1)14S~O()I"6811 0 5L I/~' .~ " ~ r u........ 'hl. ,L ~ Sf, 7tH, 7C,/o ~'320c) xfl/tJ fy .1/ 'I t" I.t> 0 I.? 'Ib -r 13&5" 7 fe,oo 3fo () S:I u.s- g? USB 11 ~L. 7/)0 71010 'f:J'?~o gg I/o &1 --.- .II 'I C, /'00 I,;;. .'I.f. --r /'/(., ~ '7t.6CJ ';/ 3/i'00 S:< J'bS- 'IT, Pl 3f,'IrJO ~ '/'?d>oo f?8//{) lit -- ~-- -_.- f tv." ~ v,.eo<l " , '"2- . if:.. -- ____m -_._~- -~ M 767M, ~..u:L_7'380GlI t'tf //0 3~ -, /1 'It,. 1,00 /;;1''1& ~. -r- /'fS~ !~OO , <f3g()()I.~-2g::!f>-- -- ---- ----- ----- .--.-- --- ~ --- ~--- ' ]==1 - --- --..- ----- ~--- '--' 1--' - -- --- f--- . ----- I I . 1 I