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Year FileNo. 11>'fl'rr.iT")./I~ lola RACT TO 'I C'JAKLAND BEACI'I DISTRICTS / 3 ~ :;:~'t;l ----I-- I -=1===1 --1=-- SALE PRICE' "I" I.; / '12 lOg2g" Caroline C. Kennedv 1,/ Ij;{ '1C? \t' ~fl f < ,It' 17 e '7f::. 1;.Jl7dJ/ a L I. (~. ~,1': ./._ {/ 0. I cJ.rot> ---1=1= r----~~----------------------------------------~------------------------------------~----- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS ;; Dy.." Tlmb" U"'mp,.... Imp",..' TOTAL 1= 0,.." Tlmb" U"'~~: Imp",v" 17~:~~.,~~~)b :~~_ b~ ~a ~~ .,~ or- 3""< """" /17 < :J2,o AQ" // .:l;<' //,;:t6' <2'JSt:> t/oo~ 1 2l- f JL 3'1 ,t!{'(f)~1J /tPo% ~: r..'~!t.__. ~~~1 / Y/I 00 M'o. 1 /,_.~~~.~, /J 'GO LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ? RGE. OAKLAND BEACH J," ," '" T LaT, . ?Q" _