HomeMy WebLinkAbout320065002064 ... - t I T ISLAND lAKE SHORELANDS LOT st 64,65-67 Ex. BLK 2 "I 67-A,B1k.2 & S.L. E r---'r- -;-" -"'T~['" SEC TWP RGE . ( , . << '."' ~ I ~ ~ /, ,:Cl i I ,. ,.../. , _:'::'~.r-:( ,; ( :;. L ,t.)iG'~",,='J.:_- - . ..~~.. . ------ _.'~ :R~j.. ,SC_ .'.~pr:~T~~="i':~+=--~i~:~~= TITLE HOLOERC, t:3 / /~/)I CONTRACT TO: .. .u . ... . --.-- "I ' I Richard L.Thompson e we .-,~ . ' 1 I 309 i s ~ 3 11 H, jL i $37000 j 4;.l...-, ,~ f .1,rr -eP /. L .'f.. ) I $rfr,.:f!>;' 'r.'" wo - ~. .~. . . .- . ~ ... . -- .-- ----..- __. I , DESCRIPTION: PLA iF ACREAG VEAR AUD. ~.r;;7'13 12/73 #285102 ----. .--- I(~ tj53'Y<((j;! --+----------'- t c,-=-_=-.---=--",--'-~ . ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON ^-~. J_T!DELAN!l_. T~UNJ",PROVED , -' ~. B Of E IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUilDING TOTAL 74 , 100% 22500 8400 30900 ----1 i -- _no 1 , _7 ~/) /l 1'\ /"/" 01'\ I~Y()f/) . ., +-- 7"'.:;.50 t.}<'/':J,oo 1/7 <'"0-0 n't'._l -. ----- , 73z5"0 ';1.3~:J 1/7 S~cJ ~ I ---- - -. ---- --+ -.- . , ! , , ----j-~--- ---- , -+-~-- , , .-L-.____. I . ! ~ I "_ -.---1--- , , -r-- .n . .-1 ---- _.~ .. _. I YE j ..L.!... """l "j- PARCEL I Lots 65 and G6. and all those portions of Lots 64 and 67. Block 2. Cu!"."eet; 011 /'1 dt of Is 1 and lake ShOl'C 1 i1nJs. ilcconJi 1l!J to the recorded plllt thcrcuf in the office of the Iluditor for M,l<;Orl County, \'!,Jshir,glon, YoiuflIc 401 Plat!" pdg(~ 1. pal'ticulal'1y described itS fol1o~ls: COHH[IlCIIlG at the Ilortllcast eOI'flt"" of sdiJ lot Go1i thence Southerly, along t1w Easterly line of said Lot 64. 20 feet to the POIfIT OF OEGIrltlWG of the tract of ldlld hereby described; thence continue South(~rly. along lhe Easterly lines of Lots 64. 65. GG allt! 67. 110.86 feet. morc or less. to a point IO.U6 feet Southerly of the llortheast corner of 5ilid lot 67. thence South 560 22' 40" \'/cs t 232 feet. morl! or 1 CSS I to the Hc~. tel' ly lille of said Lot 67; thence Ilortherly, along the Hestcrly lines of Lots 67, 66. 65 und 64, to a point 011 the I-!csterly lille of said Lot 64 ~1hich is 213 feet Southerly from the lIorth~jest curner of said Lot 64; thence Horth 690 JJ' 08" East 265 feet. more or less, to the POIrIT or llEGIflH1NG; including shorelands of the second-class, formerly aImed Ly the SUite of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or uLuttiog uJ.1on the allove described property, as shown on the plat, lyill~ flortherly of the followitlg descri bed 1 i lie: CMEtlCIIIG at the lIortheast corner of lot 66, Glock 2, Correction Plat of Is 1 dod Lake Shore lands as recorded in Vol Wile 4 of Plilts., [ldge 1, records of Hason County, ~lashin~ton; thence Southerly alony the Easterly line of said Lot 66 illld the arc of a curve to the left, 3.G7 feet to the TRUE POUlT OF UEGIWlIflG of this described line; running thellce South 690 53' Jli" Hest 300 feet, more or less, to the Westerly line of said lot 66 and ttle! terminus of this described line, PMCEL 2 lots 65 and 66, and a Il those porti ons of lots 64 and 67, Illock 2, Correction Plat of Island lilke ShorelandS, according to the recorded plot then.~of in the office of the AuditOl' for ~luSOll County, ~J<lshinytol1, Voll.H1lC 4 of Plilts, pJ!)e I, particularly described ilS fo1101'1S: COt44(fICIrlG ilt the llurtheast carller of ~ilid lot 64; thence Suutherly, along the [usterly line of said lot 64,20 feet to the rOalT OF DEGINHIltG of the trclct of land hereby described; thellce contillue Southerly, along the lusterly 111l~S of lots 64,65, fiG and 67, 110.86 feet, more or less, to a point 10.86 feet Southerly of the llorlheast comer of suid Lot 67; thenCe South 560 22' 40" West 232 feet. more or less, to tile l'lcsterly llne of Sdld lot 67; thence tlortherly. alol1g the Ucsterly lines of lots 67, 66, 65 alld 64, to a pOlnt on the Westerly line of said Lot 64 \~hich is 2U feet Soutllerly fl'om the Northwest corncr of said lot 64; thence HQI'th 690 37' Oll" Eust 2G5 feet, more or less, to the rOIfH OF DEGiflNING; lncludin9 shorelands of the sllcond-t:lass, fonner1y owned by tllL' State of WdStll1l9tOll, sltuiltc in ft'onl of, adjacent to 01' ilbuttil\9 upon the above J~scrlb(!d IH'operty, ilS sho\m 011 tile plat, lying Southm'ly of the following described line: C<>>ttEHCHlr. ilt the Northeast corner of Lot 66, Block 2, Correction Plat of Island lake Shorelands as recorded in Volume tl of Plats, page 1, records of nason COUllty, Washington; thellce Southerly illong tile Easterly 11nc of said lot 66 and the arc of cl curve to the left, 3.67 feet to the TM POINT or B[GillIHNG of this descl'ibed line; running thence South 6~0 53f .~" West 300 feet, DlOre or less, to the Westel"ly line of silid lot 66 and tIte .....iau& of this described line. :_~.~.~:,,~ O'..:s..,,'.;,,>.., i ,'_ .-+; -~J .s._,.;....:~: ~'.,.-