HomeMy WebLinkAbout324235002023 r DESCRIPTION: PLAT ALLIE AHL'S SUMMER HOME TRACTS lOT 17 BlK 2 4F ACREAGE 1IIiliJi[!..[~~!O-r~~~~ r~ SEC TWP RGE ~. n__ ~- ...-==-~~--~ .- DISTRICTS ~'"" AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SALES $ . ., 58 175698 , 5.D!J-+-36I 362 i Hama Hama Compan" 2 404 " '" lu . [' / '(0</ H- I.- #71283 ill80 385266 I IRrhn R r:nok.et..al ~, 17 bo ()/V, -+- ~~~9S}-1-/ .,t>P. ~ lit J(7.~.I to \ ,. 7""'(',,3(" I./J ~J V _____.l_.~___.__._____+--u . - . ! ,-----1 i d~'--r- --- --I I , - - ----- --- - T : , I n' i , , __0. , ~___f- . ACREAGE 1AlUATION - B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL YD -- 'otJib "" CI(} _&L ,3CJ "00 .,3tJ <'00 %2 '1-1 11. :?:J - ~~ </1'.""7"5" Yo57S 1~ , L.J-5"nI / , dA lM4tJ.. ~ - ~ '. ~...- ..;...a.o.::i..~' - '-'; ~......~....... That ptn of G.L.3, 23-24-3 W,W.M. daf: COMMENCING at the SW corner of 23; th along the SI ine thereof S 88006'51" E, 2144.92' to the Government Meander Line; th along sd Meander Line, N 34059'31" E 184.88' to the POB; th along the Meander Line N 34059'31" E 94.50'; th N 9006'37" E 32.96' th N 360 0/'/6" W 380.43' +- to the Sly margin of Primary St Highway #9; th SWly along sd margin 90.00'; th S 33001' 16" E 434.45' ct-- to the POB. TOGETHER WITH tidelands of second-class extending to the 3-foot tide line & lying between lines extend i ng S 66047' 13" E from the SE & SW corners thereof. et al: Brian R.-EI izabeth Cook Charles C.-Sally CI ise Wi II iam B.-Linda Moore .....-e_,u__c J--{, ;j!/12- J ,1--\L€. 3.;:17/1';' ""3