HomeMy WebLinkAbout223364470680 You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2.'j1 SALE PRICf1 Rd, Soh, P." PUO FPO "'2 126490 Ambrose L. Johnstone et 1- x C-fb<+ ') 2 4'1 A " 2 L C- 4- ~ t& .2.... .L .L L JlI ...L 'k3.. II .3.... 2- b L iL I- - - - - - - , - - - - - - . - ....ob. . - .- " . . J..t>. . - ... .~ - \ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V.ar OyI18r Timber Unlmprovlld Improved TOTAL Oyd.r TlmlMr Unlmprond Improved Improvam.,.ta B.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE .:;f:J I,I,J"j, s-u 50 1L ~ ~ rf,tJ e;rt'1 -1/l .!2 :2l //1/0 /cfil1) ~ / .:< tJJ /~cO j'l JIM' ~ Mo ~" 1.,'1 ,:;)';0 ~ Lj.(j ,;; 4Y(J ~?O lOT BLK. ~f;~;{~~il.'~ BEC. TWN, RGE- ~ .- . .- .. -.-' <- - .......~.( , . '~'~':.' .. - Tidelands fronting upon the following tract in Gov. Lot 1. Beginning at NW corner of the desired tract, which ie N 81027' E 324.40' from meander corner to fractional Becs 1 & 36 (the said me~nder corner being a concrete monument set flu8h with ground level put in by State engineers in 1905); thence along Sly boundary of the upland, N 81027' E 267.70'; thence still following 81y bound~ry of upland, N 450 E 33.30'; thence 8 13041' E 175.50' to Iron Post (It" pipe); thence S 74018' W ~ 317.34' to Iron Post (I;!" pipe); thence N 12" W 165'; thence N 81027' E 16.40'; thence N 12~ W 30' to point of beginning. " L~ * Ex. Tax 868-A-l You FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .:z I-V SALE PRICE! Rd, Soh, Port PUO FPO ~ 30""61:1 *m l!:. Hill !I'll I!l![ &. - 52 L? 2 li A l 2 ~ c 1. ) . B. Lewis et ux sc; IsUf/4 /lIJ / ~ 1/ ... I ='-'~~ L . Jj~~1 n 4- ~ .flL ..2- 2. ~ ,?;? ~o 7'.fL. (1 Po, --P~ ;'JL, bZ. IJ. -8 -' P I +I IL A/. j ~f - - - - -It ;13,7/11 /'. -7/A h~' f-- - - - #./..5'8/6' tt '/ 1/ J?jl j)L - - - - 'tit;;. ,;1.7:;' kJ '1 J/1 .JI.J ./1. / - - - - - - -#1,/000- 7/7"l :3~ ~D.3 Ik 'L -iJ oft J J ~A ..ItJ ..lue .l!bO"EBl> , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. '- .. + --.- .. ---.- ---- ~ -- -- ~ ----. . ~~ . , ' .. ,~' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yellr Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytier Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemlnb 8.of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5;{ . 30 It, Ie) /0 :t.. ~ -' JS /,fl iz ~ ~ .lkJ $t!} 7/ .3~ 2ttJ IJJI f.J,..", M ~ 17"9 ~o ~CJ /-'--- .. . .. .. 'Ili"~ i .. C It TI I' I(',-,.!;I;~!-'I $: .,~ d f r - 'i -~;) l- , ~ I " ;,::";-c" ,.... / LOT BLK. .. - SEe, TWN, RGE. rrtrn ;1IJI] . , i -~--._-'~ - ~ . --.~..._-. .-------~"'" ., Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO --2.!r....155l07 Claude E. Shephflrrl P.t. 11X Year ()ysur 5" ...:::..r.:... ~J /.5/ /'(!. LOT SEe, BLK. TWN, ~ .........------..... NUMBER OF ACRES Timber UnImproved Imprond L:~;;;-;- ~ ; : '.. t.lI..-l_ .is'''- TOTAL Oyster /0 -$- ~ 1 aD' DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Pori PUD FPD 2.Ji3...~ L _2- J.. C. 4- 4"d /1 '?.2..LLc:. I-- ->-- ->-- ----->-- ~ VALUATIONS Timber Improved Unimproved .. I-- Impro'lemenh (Buildings) SALE PRICE ~~~.~'....--.. B.ofE. VALUE /tJ ...q.... ,~ .~,._.. .'~'" ,', '7."'~,--<, '-~'~'''''f''''~'''C T.L. front of Gladwin Sub. Tracts g & D & E. , I ~ ,;c ,_,-' c u"";'''<: c,,'~."';.....-==., ......- ~-~~-.. FII. No. HAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Year puolFPO Rd. "0, PO" - -- Francr>~ F. Gladwln 2 -!l5 ~ ., , ~ C 56 1618S8 Clallo Vanc~ 3hepherd Et, Ux. .3 4",,,, I,.. .,,: (;L ~ I-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - ----~~~~~~-~;~~=~==~~-===~=~=--=-Q~-~----~~~-~-_. , " .'. ~"..... ---...------ "i.,t.: NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improv.d TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov~ Improv.d Ilmpronmlnu B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE ..?t-, I. ,'f~ /0 /0 -k2 -. +~ -'-. I LOT BlK. ... .-~~_...-- : ~ m _. TWN, RGE. . . ,-........~ , , ... ,. .>-.",' .. .. - ,'~v-'_"'-.'T' .-... ?-:~, t\lj{,ll~~.':~'.' '_.,d"c~."-' ~ ~. " commencing at the northeast corner of gov. lot 1, said ~Bsec. 36-23- 2 run thence south 87042'west, along thA northline of said gcvernmentlot 1, 304.74 ft. to a point thereon; thence run south 0002'east 7~S.72 ft. mora or less to a point on the north~'esterly right- of- way line of the "01"; county road where a l~" pipe i~ set; then/&e continueing scuttloo02' e aRt 51 ft. to a point in said COUllty roar'; thence run south 520wast og9.3 ft. thence run south 32050' e&st 26 ft. to a point on thp southeasterly right- of-way 11ne of s8.i6 "old ceu,lty road"anr' where a car axel 1~ d~iven on sai,~ line and which is the true point of beginning of the tract of landhereby aes. thence continue SOU-Yh 32050' east 195.55 Ft. more or less, to a car axle dr1ven on thp southerly line of "ara gov. lot 1; thence "outh 65055', we$t. alcn~ sald 11ne, 6~.5 ft, to a ca" axle d~iven at theseuthweeterly cor:er of the tract of hereby described; thence north 32050'west 180. 7 ft. more or lese te a car axel driven on the southeasterly right- of- way line of "aid old county read; thenCe ncrth ~1007' eaet , along the "outhe~oterly right- of-way line of said road, 65 ft. te the true point of beginning; said land being a portion of tract C of GT..adwins subdivisi of said gov. lot 1 Sec. 36- ?3-2 exc. any port10n in state oyster res. No. 138. -.,- -~ .~