HomeMy WebLinkAbout223361300030 - -,~ ~ Y... FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;; '11 SALE PRice Rd. lloh. Po,t PUD FPO t;? p;~h~l Adoloh M. Olsen et ux 2 ~ A -3. 2 L C -;i! J;PJ ."./ 1X' /J~)~7 41,~T ~;( /VtlA.L.- , f ,.......,; ci.. W. .t!..L ...:L d.... 1 .f:..L 9(..00,od /,.,<7. d/,f;l2, - 1/ / r;tJ 7" rY4 ~.".. ~/,r.3J.r , - - 1-'.2 L/99'7.f~ /J)_~ ~ ~~ tI - J?( .L W .Ll ~ ;Z .i:.. c. ff t3 1#/17"f'Y '1'J,1I: 4 1'. ' ..~ I j :LAd/ ti ;ZC,/S/ - - - I- - - J 7..::25(5 6<3 1/<191/';:; j' ''::/ /' I! 12/1//1/ r I.- (! - - - - - - (,.,. 1-:1 /f)J/;; ;0<<' - ~ /' ....... W;, . ~1.()71V' V ~ ,)9', V4M.IRuzJ , V6 '!'OO y' ;<;'J~ ~~ IJ t Jj3:< Jj J.U" .~ ~;/.;) '-1/,..;.. / tt3dtu - - - - - gJ) .S' 131!t'?-/- ~...t !I/!, IL ~ 1.:', 7.: ~,;"'..:r66'-7" 6'p/.l 7/73 1J171f6'1 ~. o~ :(s c<:" "'''8'''6i. ;h~f;', '<<- -:::: - - ods"! 'r'''~ "/% ~o.,,), g, BtJ.o,J" 117.. (A J,!iD 55&> , %1 1 .,~ tJ.R"fJ ., V / ;- 673 g :<:''1 1:,/p3't. 71. lor. luy. ,--1"000. ____a · .. . --.;...:;;~ -'- - '0 . ._.-h- . --------------------------------------- -- .. . ~' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Orde, Tlmlar Unimproved Impl'Oved TOTAL Grste, Tlmbe, Unlmpl'Oved Impl'Oved Impl'Ovemenb B. orE. (Buildings) VALUE .5:2. ,~? ,c;c, ..2.0 ~ .'5- r) 3,?{) ..5".5 I&C; ,C;0 ;;20 ~S-O ~?n .<5i ,~6 ,~0 50 7";? C SOeJ t.,~ , (, i, ,bb 5"0 (,50 70-0 ~ r;; t:,o ~5 h~' /~~ ~/e;- 9~19 '7~ - rQ 17j ~S2'J /~..Y..cv j,$JPt) 1/ ~dtM /tt. q~ ""~~n ~2 ~"/J" ~A~ ~~.5' 'P,4 1iI'x ~tfJ'O ~<9 71'7&7 11'7 / ' -Go 4.500 r;,;z. ~(} ) 0 7;$" ' ~~ 'J' 'lr - 9:, n::J /3/ff () ~ rel!J 7tJ eo '-IS'" 0 f?,f.;?s- /333.5.- l- I .?,,:z ,U ,f-,C, / /50D (36!J.'7 ,;2.$/ ';5 / - ~J....mUlIl3tororOI.-i'If(),. LOT BlK. SEc. TWN, RGE. j ~"-. ~3 2 -.=. ~. , "",..F . .. rmer1y known as Tr 1 -;r' N! ~! NE! j,.--' " ~~- A tract of land in N2 SW NE of See From SW oor of' said N~ SW, NE run N for dist, of 792.86 ft; . Thn N 24 57' E 22.40 ft to pt on W1y margin of exist private roadway and true pt of bgn; . 'thn N 83013' 55" Wfor dist of Mission Creek; Thn following said center line dist.of 160.38 ft; Thn N 6049' ;57" W for diet of l38.95 ft; Thn leaving said center line of channel of Mission Creek run N 8029' 30" E for dist of l52.20 ft. to interseot theWly margin of the exist private road; 0 Thn following said Wly margin S 2 02' E for dist of 29.69 ft; Thn S 10028.' W for dist of 71.60 ft; Thn S 24057' W for dist of 142.71 ft and pt of bgn. contain 0.658 acres Also Af. 13021 ~# /7& 7j'~5- . Commencing at a pt on the S boundary line of said N~ of tpe SW~ of the NEi which is N 88011'02" E, along said line, 792.86' from the ::;Vl cor thereof; thn N 24057' East a distance of 22.40' to the pt of beginning of the Tr of land hereby desc; thn N 24057' E of 142.71~; thn N 10028' E. 71.60', thn N 2002' W 29.69'; thn N. 80029'30" E. 60.00'; thn S. 2002' E. 29.69'; thn S 10028' vi 71.60'; thn S 24057' W 165.11', more or less, to an intersection with the S line of the N~ of the swi of the NEi of said Section, Twn. & Range; thn S 88011'02" W, along said . .~t~e at~~\~~~;~~~;;j.~~:;.i~F-~IdC~;f;i~8~'e-:,~lt~s l O;!~~1~~-.;;::~ is N g3013'55" vi of the pt of beginning; thn S which is N 83013'55" E. 218.08', more or less to the pt of beginning. 36, Twp 23 N, R2 W, WM, as follows: aBoll' 02" E along S boundary' thereof ; -.';s. ~. j- 218.08 ft. to center line of channel of . . 0 of said Mission ,Creek N 75 l8' 50" E for ! ,- .' - 3,)7 '1-' -, f'~':") ~/ 1/' u'...d .;. ~<rr, ;+-:----;:--,-' ,:_--/1 ..1__, ,... / A ;:" /V. ( ~ /, .' (/ d. -7/'-..?-bz-- I 7' 1,':- ,L' ~'-(-f /..- , ~ I, ~ / , , c '=tI7crlltfy - ;' ',' ...:. ...'. . J' 0,' if )~ ',4 /j ':" , , h 7 J'( L_ v i ).,t . .~ ;J/'I...,j. I. F'-',,",i '-. .