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-~ y", File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;"~D SALE PRICE! Rd. So', Port PUD FPo <:;? City of Tacoma 4-;500 ~ - 71 ..L 113 .iL ~ .2 '-- l- f{ - - - - - - - - '---- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~.. ::::- _':. _ __ ___ _1:__ _ _ __ _ _._ _ ~ _ _';"_';' "-__ _'_'_ _ _-" _______ _ _ ~~ ~ __ _ __ _'_ _ '" ';~'_ ~ ,"'_ _ _ _ .;_.......> _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS / 'j Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE '>//7 , - LDT BlK. ~~4O:D.fh riD oot , SEC. TWN. RGE. j , ._, ---- - ----. .. ....1. . .' ----4-. . ?' - A strip of' land 400' in width lying 200' on either side of' a center line desc as follows: Begn at a pt on the WL of See 24-22-2, distant 217' N of the SW cor thereof; running th N 680 30' E 5574 to a pt on the EL of said Se~, distant 272 ' S of the Qtr Cor. / -~. ,~': '. -. .......-.. ~-~ .~,~"- . .",-4.-:; ------- - ---.-- <....-.-- . - y-- ~-':-<,'- ~~;, Year FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2- c; IJ Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD I. ,O^ 7-';- SALE PRICE 1/ ~l.Leen l5.! ;;;qno,!n. ,CG, '1/ ~ <;;:> 114517 Nora M. Waldron JtLLe'q' ~,: 7' nL. JCd.55'l tL~~- ..dA.z:A .Y.,<~"",,1r- ,~ -;:, 3;113 f/It/J.'> LUJdU-/ V:~k'~&l . D J /J. . ~ Q I~ ~ I? WF A ,;},';/dd {J, 2'/tJ.3./L3...d...L.1=H ' J7/ ..L 'fL3. A..3..L..L _ iL ------ I ----~----------------------------------~-----------------------------------~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprGved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved I(:~~~~~;~)h ~ArUEE 5." .J//..>- / _ J d .30 ltJ'x 1j3i/..1-J/__/3J/.1jL /1'tJ /-7'0 ~4 ;;"70 ?-70 lz.i. /' o~.i; ~fR~%~~T l7Jb. n )~ 6.: ~ % ~~ ~~~ ..gl IA..{ F~+. c" '.-1:9- ---.;;- LOY SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. --*, ...~ - . , ."., 'T~.'''''''''''- " . : , , ' 1<1'35 r --r.- . , ;... j , " .-..... -'- ,,_ '.:.,c. -, , " - ".-.__i_ ___