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V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..2. f' 0 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD <;2 ~~ 6-9 ~1t.5- tj;;. """<'1~,1 ~ i IlJ'11fk!/! rJ --J) , -.6 1S'()'301i -e".' ~ - ~& 10". .' Year Oyster d'7V r63 I~ I....-;>J ,U, I t,1l l/.i:, I~ 1'14 --:_ CLA::;Sr 76 --....:Be 84.33 740 177 1P 1f if) LOT BLK. t SEe, TWN. '.~ .~~-;."!;.-.-., 2 Ju A 3-1L _ T J). ~~-?,g , .:? ..:&. tb ~d "f CsFP (( Jj, (1 ~) o<l~d. -3 ,;( Id c '?,'I qJ.~n/ ~. 9/ ..L~A.2 ;L..L c:... ff m /'4_.--h n'l u_ .-)/'10 ----- Edna Hoshor . RCWAl..JtII SALE PRice ,d /9/3,? -,;=.. /7/9/ - ------------;----~---7-----7--:------------------------------------~~~---- Timber 4zJ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Unlmprovad Improvements (Buildings) Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d /Lc; #J.OcJ 'l'/J. d 0 ~o 4<0.00 ?I~ t? 0 ~tJ /Cl.~ ;<'00 3~" ...:! .t/ t) 30'0 - /';<08 ~~OO 9? 5C:J I g tPClC, JSt$.@ I?,'<~ c20, ' :J/(,D 70, tAO ~;% ~~ I$fl1 , ~11, . % ij.f!J.tJeJ tj&'fJrJ ;/1( i-fr;. 0 () ~ ()c,._~ ~;, /jcJ --. RGE. ,~ I ~~:J~l-:--"'" ._-,..c:......, , . B.ofE. VALUE .:z. 0 0 3<7"'0 ..:< -f d '5.c9-(}:J "f.;J tJPJ .;:;)~ ()r!J ~7~ /$tXJO /S6cJ / ? ~~~ ~~ ;:< () ,Y'<-._1 ~ , r-'" r .....- ~_' --:;<..-\~t)U :1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I e '"' '''e ~".. NUMBER OF ACRES I, I VALUATIONS /a-d""O I Timb.r I Unimprond Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved I Impr~....d Improvements I 8.01 E. (Buildings) VAtUE 1L Hew' ;jo,O() L/(I,,'() ;::; ~ '" ~3~O !.I...'l.1. ' ,') ,,,0 ~). -ijll." " 'I..(J t:J C) 39tJO 39(16 a - 7/ "/0 . '7/?O N '10" (j 'It! 00 'I17~ 'I17S- tS' - iDO() Lleu/) 'floo '//0 cJ --- ,-- --- --.- -, , I - -- u____ ----- ----- -- 1__.- - -- -- -- ~--- ---,- -- .-- -- --- ~--- . ,===l - -- -.-~ ----- -. ---- 1--' - --- -- . ------ I - ! I i ~.