HomeMy WebLinkAbout222213200460 , DISTRICTS ~4/ Veaf File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE , j Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD I " 67 -"" ..... Ji.t .,. Wo tr"-t (J..) 221186 Mission Creek Land Co. B~.O.Bartlett 2 A '< 2 L C H :t!;"l4"lr '%t '~):i; 1,;(- ,.ltP-f:.~ ,C ..ii tr ' ~ 9/ / ~: II 3 -l.. L G 1/ '''''?d~ %1 IJtAgg2 , ~J), 0' 1/1: ,- II.. 11 ,J ./11 J. 1\ , /.(A~"h:I"I-:z. fw 35'5'76R ;7,", VI ,.I ,...4- l.," r;, ~ 4:i 7/~O~ ..?J! ' ' I, I ~ I .- .---- --.. ~, . , " I NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Year I Oyster limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildlnqll VALUE I,~ 1~.5 ~ ./cJ /10 --;r;;- /S IS- 0l .::K 'A1 6J /.J.~L. /..;1 t!} t:) 1-7l I~ r:o~ .;;:;t/&O .,;A~() 12:2 1B...:2lG'O -,' , I~ Pl.,,1J ~ I,,,~- ~rilJ'i}1 .,:)5:' t.Jt' 17AJ ,C /.//10 .0%, 5'000 5ltJJt:J(J 17j .6~/.' .:~-//-. 7~ ,;')5 ,'). - ~ 75CJr, L , ~ 7~ rr> C-t.-","/ ,..:: ,",:',"\ IR..,Z , Jr; 7_:;- / .;zCCLj /.;J ece LOT BLK. . "::t-'() . _S~C. TWN, RGE. .~ , :-.,.. 2", - "".. ,,~ - '.'1,0" . - ...-:-<.~ Beginning at the S t corner of section 21; thence along the S line of section 21, N 87046'14" W 1304.23'; thence N 2005'49" E 1310.20' to SE corner of Govt Lot 4; thence N 87"'53'47" W 150' to SE corner of Lot 21 of Plat of Twanoh Falls; thence along the E line of said plat N 2005'49" E 1150' ;tb LP.>; thence continlUlng N 2005'49" E 60" thence N 82038'05" E 152.07'; thence S 2005'49" W 85'; thence N 87054111" W 150' to 1. P. " ,- .....-. ---c::/-a-C~: ~J.-h744'-'.rI/. M"J ~ 6;;''; &p /,1 y " (" /::> DISTRICTS '/-I / V..\f FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 'd. Sch. Port PUD FPD " 67 221188 Mission Creek Land Co. Inc. N: E. Sanders1l'"" '2 03 A 3 2 L C H %~ 41<1<(//9. AI ~<;' (/V';#&j is) -NB2 %! ..L <10 ' fl 3 ~ ! r fI 'i5S J1/1) c:...'~ I I I I -----r I '~~ , --- .-- -.--.-- . --c " n ,- NUMBER OF ACRES H V AlUA nONS Vur Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber unimproved' Impro....d I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ AS' ~b 40 /tJo l,y~ 4/'} /tJtJ ~"5)~() ,/$fo tfi - /'?cJ 4/~ 4SaJ ~ ~ 10% .:::JAl."'J >J'lS"a1 J_< /, _ ..... '7':. - -, /// /-, ~ /rtJ (J 1% 7S".:%'J' $24?/1:J ~/l'Y 77 75(f' ;)4 '7</ r; 3:2..? '/0, ?) q/~/ /""' LjO{j7~_. C; <,:' f 7." 79 , .2.$ ,J.S ('0 7S00 01 ,/7" ~~';)Vc' S;;.. 1.5000 7.5\':;" '1[).?;; s .. LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN, 'G~ - .-.-.-. .~"--'--"'--, , . ~ , - --, , ....- " ,!! .. .". .. Beginning at the S Quarter corner of section 21; thence along the S line of section 21, N 87"46'14" W 13-4.23'; thence N 2~05 '49" E 1310,lW' to SE corner of Govt Lot 4; thence N 87P53'47" W 150' to SE corner of Lot 21 of Plat of Twanoh Falls; thence along the Eline 0 said plat N 2" 05 '49" E 1210' to 1. P.; thence continuing N 2" 05 '49" E 66.15'; thence on tee Sly R/W of State Highway #106 on a curve to the right thencenter of which bears S 18'55'3 38" E 924.93' an arc distance of 156.37'; thence S 2"05'49" W 84.69'; thence S 82"'38'05" W 152.07' to 1.P. o Formerly known as a portion of Tract/bt Govt Lot 4 & Tax 755-C Ex. . - --..... ~ \ V.., Fl!. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ?fO SALE PRICE! Rd, "h. Port PDD FPO - tf.Lt ~ tt /.p.7 <:;::> 1 O..J, <:;, W. H. Abel /LJ.(' 2 .lh2 A l L - ~.3 L2 /'lCo"C \Ai @ f/. .luj) .:L ~ .t:L ~ L ...c.... SFf L'7 /9t:, "",:7 ,,1- 0 ./0, ./ ?_ 0 '1 .;( ~ d W d2... L ..c loci !Jontff' 7A." ~ ,f1?. ,!ilL "' .3 on; ~ - - - - - - he, - _1F,~'/ 1JJ",' .:... ~ (!!. .d j;;L /1 ~J J)( .J.. ~ ...fl 3 d- b L iL "2h~ .Yt6J.3q ;1l}" ~ ~. /J,fl. A .k..o ' -'lj999/ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --~-. ~ -----------~-- ~.n~-- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS , .? c:7 Year Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE .5'> ~ -'fa dcJ /.:2..0 /':<0 5':J. 4tJ,IJt7 ~cJ,/JO :;;"00 ;2..crd li7 .y;j, I'M 1<'0. CiO 300 3C1d 49. ,??i.M ,'?/J,tJo C, eM ~dCJ 53 ;Y&! DO fu,oo //l/U //7"0 6~ / .;;u'O /';:;"0 t~ /tM<<JJ , /IJ,IHJ ~~() ..;J~O ,~ , ~ ~SO .;P~ &1 1-tJJ7 9-!P~ ;::'J~~ ~~ ~ !{:/ '7 ~//f 7S- .- '15 ~&1 /ft&'7' SO .5'4 Ih9 , ~67 ~',1 loD ItJJD 110 .f/.;p I ~,;:)! ' fSc r7~ ~;v.., d:)t) D 'II -z'~/ 3-d/ 100 /tJo ~ , ~()@ /~~ LOT ~liLK. .' - " SEC. TWN. RGE. .. - .-..~. ~ , _....d "1 - : ; -j ~-"';;r~_~_"",_.... < . ..,:' ....<1"-,.. .. "~'.,;, -,-' , c .., -..- "- (y ;/Y,a~/-CL"--/ (" 0(.1;?2-:>~_~_Lr;ra.-(~ 0/- /d~) ;J '1'1'7 A-4 / -,;( -3- t/ - $'/(" -7 - 9, c; / 0 q. d""-d!. c:U.dZ- / '#-&~~ I I I I I I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . --. r..r Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. Uulldinqsl VALUE '1'/ 3..;1 I 3d) ! 100 ~ ~t'J'Ql ,;?loo 77 .':it' ~',-.~ , zt S,;J../ J.;I../ ", ~/ 3 "=>..-"'11 . (>' "'~ .~-=- , ..'.. , I .. .. " ... .. .. " ,_.'.. !...,.,.I, ..J