HomeMy WebLinkAbout222212300090 ., Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO n 1'_ ___DISTRICT~. #L SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.! Pori I PUO ! FPD ' ! 1_ ; ,,-';c, 2 40 A ~ 21 L' C' H $11,000 11'( LIIf1l.3.LLr2-:I~..LL~ #2186 #2187 I I ~s.; '*34-5#.3 I OOoc, 65 Sol Due Lands Inc. 65 214757 Mission Creek Land Co. 6s 21L7S8 Larrv H. Lanllevin et ux !ju~c: 7~/Jj 7/. ,fL 7iu.ku.d-.u-?-_ _m 1ItG- ~~~~.2;", (l(lA LoA '[) Pro p ,'M , C,,';iJ., ~/b-~CII f!" M. " (L r7. # Jt4 ;3a[n) /I ;/ . H. langevin ___n i , --Ti ! ~ '7 '7;/""8 /93 -,- -'---I~ "'----- : i I -..---- n_~~ m..~__. ____ 1 I : ; 1 - '::-J=------ , l-l _~m --+...J ---,-l~ , I , I .. .._~. ------ Year! Oyster ""-" '---~' .. _e. NUMBER OF ACRES S=I Timber I Uni~provlld I Improved T~~ Oyster I , -I I _ ./__7... n' 17.... ' .e% VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Imprcved I Improvements (Buildings) I B. of E. VALUE ;7'"/ reI . 7C!::'t CJ) I tJ,C'O ' t'L'':> 7c.;z' .-2-20_ 1-______ ~'/M ~/jO 1!lr/t:J I . ,~Ai2 t.,.:U)6J, ff1t!:t!L I -- A ,d ~ l-7tPt>a' /A6514 L~ -<;l~<"i-S- l;.?/.5'Ol? ~f1~o 9"70 ~Cf, '-/3(..,.:),c t;,7/~cL 53/ oJ 7,.,,,UC; /.;(3'1'1S- ;;1.'1<;,0 " L/ 3i.:;t; t, 7/';; CJ .r?J,5 ooU b '10 / t,f /7 () 1s:t ,fj[',;:t!. #- 1.0 ~ 1'1 77 71 q(..i. l5J1.v ~tI'J % ;1 / /7 .(7 ./7 1- I , , f---1- lOT BLK. 2 1 Tract 9 of Govt Lot it &l'a~ "'., . "". "c.." . , .... ~f;L:r;.,~3-o6 6"~~ ;~"..... .--"..- ~.SEC. TWN. ~ RGE. .< ..-"',_....~ -~,~..--=':~- ~" .....~-.~""-......-._'~ Formerly known as Tract 6 of Govt Lot 4 Beginning at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal which is N 20"58'48" E. 142.68', N. 57P28'48" E. 503.35', S. 65D16'12" E. 447.84', and N. 77"13'48" E. 29.90' from the meander corner connnon to sections 20 & 21; running thenee 52"'05' 49" W. 134.93' to a point on the Nly line of primary State Ilwy. #21 N 21"08'33" w. 30' from its center line; thence Ely along Nly line of Ilwy, 59.86'; thenee N 2"05'49" E 125', more or less toomeander line of Hood Canal; thence SWly along meander line to the point of beginning. ......-.----. ~~-- _. . -- .-_~. ~. ~......- --........ . ~,...'-, Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ." /: / / ~ c:z!::::.~_ SALE PRIC!: ;d'I~~31 P:ri I p;OI':TL I c ~ __'~___ %1 .Lkrd1~A- 3 .2 LC.ff. I ...~----L -"-' I ~~ r+tt I .=+++ i I I ; -:i-n . I :I~----~- , ---Ii I I :-1 i .,._._'~. VALUATIONS I I\~ 2~~J;.~3 Twanoh Falls Beach Club Inc. ~- 1---- -1--- .- ,... ,..._~,'- .:J-::.':"'-'-...::2.'- .. -- -- -----.- ~-- ___---1-._ NUMBER OF ACRES Year I Oyster I Timber i Unimproved I O I . T' bU' d '. I d '1lmprcvements B. of E. Y'" --t-~~ _~~mp"~I_~P;::-O i (',Hd;,..} ;;;0 - L75~, I .;:2 Nn ; ;;/90 1...f3 J.s..3...____ I ._ltl496' S'1/~ J.rA7OJ.s:.. . _.. HH.., I D~ft2.~~~' ~(1 "--P'-- I ~C'... ~ "71fJ 3..~_ ~n GI~.;J ~~. "1l'<f>~-- =p-'$'"" ,;:)bf""15 #'~~~~C-_ 1'I6U&O ?'/m ~ [ '-/f.,5M 7'-150 5395-) i -e-- .....L.SO>, /,5".. /," '1~': '.. -+- v , I 1 ~ ! /,cC' /tC:C> Improved TOTAL ill .3; ~ .f./'cf. @f--_d h~ q 'l"J ;tfl. -7t' Z2. 7~ 11./ 77 ' 7'9 'l-OI;JX,' I .. I lOT BLK. l. SEC. TWN. RGE. .b..! .. -Tract 10 of r....,-W-.....-.--~ ....---~., .~-~.--.--~, Govt Lot It-&~ax~]5rB-J _.._-...._~_. .' 22 . :C~'.~~. ormerly Tract 7 of gG.L. 4 " Formerly known as Tract 8 of Govt Lot 4 Parcell: That nart of Lo, 4 of Section 21, Townshin 22 ~orth, Range 2 nest, W.M., described as follo'"s: Beginning at a noint on the Southerly line of Prin-,,,ry tate Highway #21, Ko~, 7'111' 19" E 486.85 feet from its idersecti.on with +. '>lest li,'1e of said Section 21 ;.......:t"enee on It aeurve to the ri"ht with " ce"t~al ",.,,, of 8927' 36' and a radius of 25 feet an arc dist,ance of 39.03 Feet, thence So 1.21' 05" Eallt 15.43'; thence along a cur to the ri~acerrtra:1'angle of 6" 14' 43" and a radius of 220', and arc distan of.J. 98'; thence South 890 10' East 60.25' to the .beginning of a curve, t:loJm:I!: the e te, Q1Jth 860 10' 11" West, thence ~along said clhrve with a centra' an",le of 150 28' 44" and'-a- h4i\!~ of 28'.1' an arc distance of 75.64'; thenceSm. 11038' 55" '-lest 180'; thence Soi.tt!) 650 22' 35" F..ast " 139.62', thence South 2'J-.';e 70.00' to the true Doint of be[li'1l'i'1C!; thl?nee Korth !11850 28' 45" '''est . to the bednni.nl! of a curve the center of which. bears "S 76<:1 381~~st; thence along said cur;;e with a central angle of 31049'1 55" and a radius of 180' an arc distance of 100'; thence 5 75" 20'40" E 156.06'; ~ence North 16" "est 60'; thence North 2 cr East 70' to the true point of Beginning. ':' ~Pareel 2: that part of Lot 4 of 21-22-2 and of tidemands in front, described as ~follows: beginning at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal North 20 58'48" ~st 142.68', North 57 28'48" East 503.35' and South 65 16' 12" East 24.51' from ~the Meander corner eOmm0T" to Section 20 & 21, saic! Twnsp & Rge: running thence ,,,,-South 5 20' 46" V1est 39.84' to the mos', northerly corner of tnct conveyed to ~tillriel A. Brachvogel by deed dated Aug. 30, 1962 and recorded under #196002; "running thence along the easterly bo:.mdary of said Brachvogel tract South 60 54' 34" KEast 35.07' South 10 55' 44" East 248.38' and South 44 22' 16" West 200.18' to a noint bearing North 10 48' 41" West 30' from the existing center line of Prirr.ary ,s~ate. ~W::~21; ru~nin" thence ea~:~r:.: :l~ng"a,l~' r.c p'iraUel HUh .S~id. cBfiter~",,;:, line North 79 11' 19" East 65.28'; thence eontinuilhg along said parallel line on a curve -!to the left with 'i radius of 1879.86' and a central angle of 4 48' 41", an arc distance nf 157.36'; thence North 1 01' 42" West 120'; thence South 75 59' 55" East 45.44':; then~e North 1 01' 42" I'/est 19'3.~1 '; thence Korth 24 43'48" East to the line of extreme 10'1 tide of Hood Caaal; t:,cnee r;orthwesterly a.long said line of extr9',e low tide to a Joint '{orth 24 43' 4'3" East ()f the point of be[linning; EXCEPTING therefrom that part, if any, included in tract conveyed to Muriel 5. Braehvogel by deed dqted Feb. 4, 1948, Vol. 115 page 93. Parcel 3: The Easterly 40' of Tract 78 of Twanoh Falls as recorded in Vol 6 Pge 19 of Plats. llt ...5 - ) - /q~