HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183490190 -;:-1 b::'~ No -1----'--. NAME of OWNER - "g- 60 60 37 Elbert B. Burdick et 6/72.~OLL__ ----1---"-.-. --t--~~.-- -- --L Yur I Oyster .~":~:~...L_____~- - NUMBER OF ACRES Timbu I Unlmprond Improv.d -~ONTRACT TO UX q}fj ITO LjtftlJ J. Shan . TOTAL Oyder I " ") , 55 co 2L~g -;l'7cr ~ '}5._SEr.. " ?,"3 . t., ~ ---- --- 1--' ------I-. - LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGo. ,}~-- 2,? .- 2 Rd. Sell. '!"rt DISTRICTS :)65 PUDlfPD !_I 3 t 2 L HI 2 40 T Mu I I in et ux (Lo a ".) :if I 1/031 T 'I 2. / Iff VALUATIONS Timber UnImproved Improved Li., 7/l. l,f 0(1) 7:>"'00 1937-S-G ~.... Impro....ments (BuildinQs) ~ SALE PRICE #15790 #63~1~000 B. of E. VALUE i- 2. 2/-S I ROO (J 7:;-"00 Y3?SO r~.?-:.:2. ($ ~ LI Cf 6JQ;o I .' Tf. 190f Go,vt ~o,t(4 & T,t. I ~. . -,-"",;,~..-..--,._~.~.--,.; ~ CTr. B of SP #535) AI I that prt. of Gov. Lot 4, 18-22-2, daf: Co~. at the meander corner common to sections 18 & 19-22-3; thence, aIQUQ-Sd'rdimean- der r-ine in sec. 18, N 870[2'40" E 295.20'; thence along theJL..~Gov. Lot 4, in said ~18.,_N 1000'13" W 73.36', more or less, to_t.i:le-5'"ry margin of North Shore Rd.; thence along sa-iti-S..Jy line, N 61021'27" E 15].7'1'('; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.30', a 'dis.tance of..j.j-o:25'; thence N 46022'52" E 495.13' to the pob; thence continue along said Sly margin of Co. Rd., N46022'52" E 25', more or less, to the NWly cor~~r'of tr. conveyed to W.K. Madsen et ux, by deeds #143723 and #153342; thence S .4-30'37'08" E to the meander I ine of sa id Gov. lot,4; thence aiong said me~~d~Hfie, S 64021 '20" W 60'; thence leaving said meander I ini!, N 43037'08" W to a Y-"'" ,5' S of the Sly margin of said Co. Rd.; thence N 46022'52" E, parallel w0:h~aid Sly margin of Co. Rd., 35', more or less, to a pt. S 43037'08" E of <the pob; --thence N 43037'08" VI 75', more or less, to the pob. ALSO, all T.L. adj. & abuttiRfl. ~-r-- . . All that portion of Government Lot four (4), Section eighteen (18), Township twentytwo (22) North, Range two (2) West, W.M., described as follows: COMMENCING at the Government meander cornet common to Sections eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), said Township and Range; thence along the Government meander line in said Section eighteen (18), North 87012'40" East 295.20 feet; thence along the West line of Government Lot four (4) in saLd Section eighteen (18), North 1000'13" West 73.36 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of the North Shore County Road; thence, along the southerly margin of said county road, North 61021'27" East 157.71 feet; thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 498.30 feet for an arc distance of 130.25 feet; thence North 46022'52" East, along said southerly margin of highway, 495.13 feet to a point on said southerly right-af-way line, South 46022'52" West 25 feet from the northwesterly corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to H. K. Madsen and Lois C. Hadsen, his wife, by deed recorded under Auditor's File Nos. 143723 and 163342 and THE pOINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 43037'08" East 75 feet; thence South 46022'52" west, parallel with the southerly margin of said county road, 50 feet; thence South 43037108P East to the meander line of said Government Lot four (4); thence North 64021'20" East 75 feet, more or lesS, to the southwesterly corner of said Madsen Tract; thence North 43037'08" west, along the westerly line of said Hadsen Tract, 340 feet, more or less, .to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence South 46022'52- west, along the southerly right-of-way line of said county road, 25 feet to THE POINT ee BBGINHD,NG, p.xcen~inq road rights-of-way.