HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183100040 DISTRICTS '~'7 Y.ar FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ;;!;.;; (', SALE PRICE , Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - l 53 149724 Sam P. Greco at we .;L ;lo .!L J 2- Sl p+ "oo'o,CJ~ ~ ~ '5b ;71 /i'd f J.."A ,10 11 j i~..;' lh.t ) ~ '51,5-"'';) , too lit,-"~ fl ,+ 0 II " ,.a;J 4 "" 1(,,0/3 - - b~5'n~ .~ '1l'1/75 t' 1/{iJ ' -1_", Ag .;( '103 T ~ L II P :;'/oey, "'"-II3cX.<3 2 5 / 1 012 ~J. l f/j .J J. ~ t ~/5::t"bn ~./ /h' - - '1'.1'3 tf I f' 'l/ t/ 11. " '^'.I1J~'tj,'~A I '103 7 3 ,;2. L JL ~ 1"=84445" aJ." %:J h,5</Usr U.}E~N0 Lf.7{J(J Lt. I 41'1/~~ I' /, /1 N I ) ,., r.:.K<<<c /111) - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- ~.;-.c . ~, ---= ---_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v... OJ.ttr Tlmb., Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oy'''r I T1mb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE $3 10, SO 10.50 /50 /50 _.57 LZMl' . 06 /85 /I:UJ;) /;J. 60 /,";0 .5t /?R ;I 11> t. ;;0 .;2,00 1().50 3fJ' ,;:;;S- /;2,?o /3 0'0 4.a /-;i!?Y ~, g 5'0 d,OO / O. 5'0 --E3-- ..2.:f" 61J cJ '7 de M /t?5- I off'S- //90 & ~ /.5' () L.:fhtJ ' '.,.. ~ ~~ ~kO -.l ~ '"cJ -;;. 9 &,FtJ' '21... - -- 0/ '/' ,f'~ 9/';?CJ 1f- 100% /9Sb& /.?.tZe 25- ~~ I,ZJ I ~.( /36:?o /Ua 77 It,;? ~C' IJ-f 7f!11 .3fL:. DO 7q L/:;;' ,/),~ ::l/;..'V" 1.3 '? J?i:j 7r j.~4 j'At/ co 1~.s.._?U It.?;;h -,~?LI.j:;;. ?J- gg!5'c){J .:IS7f5- II'} iPS , LOT BlK. , I '_'a ~ "") (:m-oO~C;ifB1 I lEG. TWN, RGE. , ..,'.. ~ .. 'j of' ~ ,,?i;.~ " . . .. ~.,.-.. -. "'__ .-.,- ."'. - i" .-." .'-,.- . ion of the 1'0110 ng escribed property lying easterly of the westerly r hne oj' ~~: Beginning at a point on NWly margin of County Road which is N 37058' E 19.01' from li" pipe driven at Ely end of S line of Gov. Lot 3; thence S 89039'54" W 211.69'; thence S 15' to S line of Lot 3; thence S 89039'54" W 917.09' to SW corner of Lot 3; thence N 0000'13" W, along W line of Lot 3,878'; thence S 56049' E 1430' to NW1y margin of County Road; thence SW1y along sai d margin, to point of beginning. Tax 11l8-A T.L. in front of above desc. tr. as follows: Beg at 3 point which is S 53038' E 42.4' from point of intersection of NW':t/W of Co. Rd. and S line of Lot 3j th N 37058' E along SEly R/W of Co. Rd., 117.6' to l~" pipe; th S 56049' E to Line of extreme low tide; th SWly to a point which is S 53038' E from I.P.; th N 53038' IV to I.P. except that portion of an oyster tract which is included in above desc. Formerly known as Tr 2 of Govt Lot 3 <; -~.-- -._""""~.'. ~". '-....QI . .;...:""v:-~.- '?"tI~rl/..LH[.</T aI.<J ~~/9/:':--::' ,;JEr?"~ '? h.,__ ! / r I~' r,t' /;'/u/..::J\,,':'" 1~/./~7 tf ,d~/L, / _.JL ,/ "/. ,