HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172300060 Yur 118168 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;;- ;':-2 SALE PRICE 106196 Rd. $e'. Port PUO(FPD -I I 126507 , 2L Charles A Pat.tison et L be . I 'A 2 20 T ..L 2 L 16.1952 l~: '7 ;r!"",:~' >"-1'I'fld 3--- -)9 1/1' J :;;'/lC .. " f,..., 'I~, lu,9., ,--j - {f /..f'oo 0, ...La.. I/,.t?/.f'~ !f:.A7>>~1 J'pLc1av ~-<<./' " I " u - _::t - ~ /:1C:3?~~.A: 7/.1. J__n' .,p... t:1.~ n#/2. ./ ~ '" ./9J'7;> I AP .6"2- 1/9L '?:if Il fl j h/, ,.., ~ JO'~,~e- I -- ?=- t,(J, . '/',' A' ^ ()f , ~ ,,~ .;; J()~ T 3'~ L l:L~~ -- I 3...1.;;.. k b,1/tJ:<.;J. E'J!.-~ (jJ.jij 't! L" -j-J, ,IY.bOZ) ?If / ill L ..fi. "f5600() Iql? lj - - - - -- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ..~,~ ..,. -~=~ - ,~"'"- -_.a. ."..~ _...__ ..::lo~ , NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Yea, Oyst., Timber Unlm!:roved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovt.d Improved Improvlments B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE C';) . /9 /'1 /-So /SLJ .::.;. -, . .57 I/, 52/,'(, .-'11 .YI 36 ...J /) I, / J5,1 /-.1//0 ~ .t/I , t/I 30 3dO / cJ.5() /3Rd ,!j'9 .3'0 1400 ':<.3 (g ~ 379~ ~ /. :;;1 f..( .1// ,<II -E3- /~tJO :J.A t &"' :nth"' ..0.. 1,5:;;"~ .</.; .<1-/ /fooo .;:('3 t,.:;- 39r:.,!:J "- ~ 2/100 di.1~4 . /IV:>/" A CI- < 1;;; ,,;(, ~- ....:J ~ ;.;2 (J /5'~ 67:PS i /lSht/ 373tJ E;il~tJ /5~C) 4,?;;lo , ~ ~Rft:J r/iJ ~,:28J ~ ~7"(j /~a t, 2L ..5eJ~ 964.6) ,/j '(J ~ $o"a //74JtJ /i.7?o tl, 0'% . 11- jOO() # ~3S;1'f) ~A' 71 I 1 :lS"OO 33.:J5!J, 9.:S",75'~ - LOT BLK. '. . SEC. TWN. RGE. .J.-;2.;;L/.7:l3000 &to , "- ~ ~. ~ ...-".. ,..,;, - . ,<i,lQi l;-,...... . .~" ". .. . ~60f LOT 4; That pOI'. of Lt 4, Sec. 17-22-2, as follows: Bgn at the MC common to Sec. 17 & 18; thn along theW In of said Sec. 17 N 0014'54" W 18.69'; thn along the Sly margin of Co. Rd. N 85021'42" E 115.91'; thn S 88056'41" E 378.02'; thn S 82044'07" E 146.19'; thn on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.3' a dist of 195.94'; t~n N 74044'03" E 24.21' to the NWly cor'of the try herein desc. & the true pt of bgnj thn continuing along the Said Sly margin of the Co. Rd. N 74044'03" E 51.83'; thn S 176.70' j thn along the Gov. ML in said Sec. 17 N 83014'57" w 50.35'; thn N 157.13' to the true pt of bgn. TRACT 8 of LOT 4--Sgn at '~I'o He semmen 1;8 Sge~ 17 1~ IS 22 2 3< tl:1l'l :l.long tl:1e W 1l'1 qf lOaid Sec.-~1-,--l'1 0014 '54" \Ii 13.69' to the n~' margifl of the Co. Rd." tlm alon~ said Sly margin of Co. Rd. N 85021'4-2" E ll5.9l~-; l,!lll vu " <;UL ve l,() the loft ha'ring l'3.dius of 498.3', a diet. of 195 .'JV--;-Hm' N 74_044 'OJ" E 76.0f,.' the WIny ear of tho tr. h9r9in d9SC. :l.nd th9 trY9 pL 01: hiSn; t-hn "9l'ltil'luiRg N 7~0~~'03" E Slv8.'; thn S 196.27'; thn N 83014'57" w 50.35'; thn N 176.70' tc trY9 pt. of 'Ggn. .22 0. -1956 Valuo 150 Land House 1050 Total 1200 TAX I-F T.L. in front of Trs. 5 & $ of Lot 4 1AN.sS'~'.:i,,'.1//"Ed9f.O;J..'; [hN SSdo'f.l;'t;'f11 E, -1-1'. 19' Forme~ly known as Trs 5 & 8 of Govt Lot 4 J....a- "~',;;' " I I I I I I I I I I . -. , ---., , --.- ~_... Too' I O,du NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... Timber Unimpro....d Improved Impro....m.nh B. of 1:. - (8uildiIU;1J) VALUE 27- ,7& y :J (, , ;J() I '3(1 7 c,!:? 4Q'l/Y) J'o<l5n 71 '-- c Id-,Sco. 3.3 dS'S tiS 75s ~ C,boCJCJ 7(, liS- JL/';"/IS- -- .---- - - 1--- - ---. - - ,<. , , ni , I. , I .c.s.' ~'._'. . , L ~ .. --,