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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO --, DISTRlCTS,...2 !fL, SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. Port PUD ~D I ,,n708:; ------1 61 18851 Gordon DeLeon et ux 3 .R.Heistand 2 ,~ .J:....3... ~ l...Q;_ $682~7.;r 65 2154-7 H. R. Heistand et ux ~n6 III L 1jQ,I.1l22.b~ Ji - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -_._--- --~-- - - - - - -- - -~------ - I-- - -- -,- - ~---_.._-_. - - -F~~-I - - ---- ----- - --1-'--- ---1--' ~~-- - - - -1- -- --- . --~-- , ---.- - ._1- -I --- -.. . I I ." ", -- , " " , , '- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS " .Vea Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh S. of E. (Bllildings) VALUE 61 ~.tL _doo --Zt2 () , t,). 9 <'?o .;700: //iQ -, i:i. ~ JL~ , l~ ~I,~ id' L~ ~_ ;13dY1J_ j I~ ~ ~ ./.JAW'5~(J___ ,:1~ g"jd~"/dl#.az-"'- .'Zl k r l1.,..,ii. A A~ ~ LUtJ /..tUZ..t!_ l/I'f i"'k~ V~~ _~_ ~~"-~_ 77 ~C3CC ~::, .::; ,.J.k.1:Y.r:L 11 UI_I_ c-/ ,,$,: ,: ,_6.c),'Z36- , ./9 , '_:/ " :,( !.. ' ,--,.' I 2./.:; tC' " ~ -'... ~-,' 1_ /~_U__'-!.- JI.2 t 5'3D r /.f''4t. (j .ill7(~_tL , .- I - --'- , I , LOT BU<. .~- 4- ~ifb7S/3iOl see, TWN, RGE. I " ,..JOJ t .~~ -----;;< ~.,i .. ' ."..,' .....'~ . " - , ' , .- ,. ',"',-, " _.<~- , '.., '-.. 'I -'-'~.-r- "_... .- ;I" /.4 4 :'h~~, ?~ C"/~,~'- ;!, 34" (.--t/f?z<, ~-~ //~, "'0.-/ d'-//L'"-C__ Beginning at th; intersection of W'llne of E lOO' of Govt Lot 3 with Nly line of State Highway #21; thence N 61.l5" along W line; thence N 53 W 15'2.l' to meander linej thence S <6 41' W along mean~er line 47.2'; thence S 5'2 <0' E 188.05" to LP., ~ ~";.'__c~__,., ....< , .~ D!-. ,,:-- -.-- ..,--