HomeMy WebLinkAbout222127590071 -------.....---.-..-,.---- ---------.. YUI' I File NI> I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO D_ISTRICTS 2- 4 I -~- I Ad, 1~:!2!.!.. PUCC; fPD, : "^ 205596 E. J. Me II et ux I 03 A 3: 2 : L : C ~ H SALE PRlCf (Janft Rae) , 4ill-L ...3.825_43.... a.)1llJ:lo.cL.LY_OILSIeY.fillSOlLB. 11)( . ~__ _ _ --!}3Q35 4/6J_ __3698A.L StanLe'i-_Kr.lag.Le. et a I (see b~r kL ___ 1t~~MB (()/. /,;',f., L7 . A ,.7 4:rn )IL K'O;;J()/ Jj,L 'io.J'lf.P.__~JL'2--uJp -€Z.L!L .0C/J (I , --- ----- - r I . . NUMBER OF ACRES H V ALUA TIONS Vear Oyder limb... I Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Impr~v.d Je &',./),/7 / 4.3Sr'J -- 0.0"-' 71 l.J.(,o J.:z t. 00 ~ .t;fr, D 0> 28 =::p.~~ 4.77 4L. 77 ,Z,862LJ I 2- ~ <'''4 .--- ,$? J? 457!? Irnprovementll B. of E. (BuHdinQI) VALUE 1_43c5'o b.:too J4060 "zl?62-D ~~.GO 1- ----- ----- ---- _____'-___m_ .--- --.--+-- I 1_- - _I ---I---I~- Ii: rzrz.G.-' .., ~ '. .~ ..~-~~,'$,,'P_~ 2.. ------ ------ --- ---~---- LOT SEC. SlK. TWN. RSE. --J2 22 2 _ ___ ,Tract 7-A of Survey 7/97 .,.J ~ FORMERLY TRACT 7 OF SURVEY 7/97: That ptn of vacated Lakewood Plat B also being the NE SE and vacated Lakewood Plat H also being the SE SE al I in 12-22-2WoWMo, daf: Commencing at the SE corner of sd Section 12; th N 000 30' 22" W alg the Eline of sd Section 1807.47' tap 844.83' S 000 30' 22" E of the E 1/4 corner of sd Section; th N 890 45' 00" W 286031' to TPOB; th conti nu i ng N 890 45' 00" W 331098'; th S 000 35' 13" E 683072'; th a I g a curve to the right heving a radius of 644.03', for an arc length of 161042', having a central angle of 140 21 '38", tap on a I ine parallel to and 964' N of the S i ine of sd SE SE as measured alg the W I ine thereof; th N 890 46' 28W alg sd paral lei line 73076' tap 612.60' S 890 46' 26" E of last sd W line; th N 000 28' 42" W 1248.13' tap on a curve hav i ng a rad i us po i nt that bears N 210 16' II" Wad i stance of 191 039'; th NE I Y a I g sd curve to the left, having a radius of 191.39' for an arc length of 19033', having a central angle of 050 47' 14"; th N 620 56' 35" E 219.80'; th alg a curve to the left having a radius of 180 21' 23"; th alg a curve to the right, having a radius of 66056', for an arc length of 139025', having a central angle of 1190 52' 59"; th alg a curve to the right, having a radius of 73.30', for an arc length of 64062', having a central angle of 500 /4' 09"; th N 340 42' 20" E 90' tap that bears N 000 29' 42" W from TPOB; th S 000 29\ 42" E 539.49' to TPOB; EXCEPT ,kts 32-35 incl of Blk 10, and Lts 24-27 incl of Blk 10 of Lakewood Plat B,a nd th~E"i/2 of vacated ptn of 6th Ave adj on the Wand the N 1/2 of vacated Fir St .adj on the S thereof. *' NOW TRACT A OF SHORT PLAT #1176 - _see_ shor!y~at for description of Tr Ao -. ..---- ( C::,': ~ '5/.....- "-,' , '/.... //~, . , , 4, ( ,// I; 1(".' {' 1- , d',",':,'/- j/'/-",(,/-~ LL-