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...... DISTRICTS - V.., AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO '-- - I SALE PRICE Rd. $ch. 'Port PUD fPO I , ~11""3 ~#42909 2/7' 298396 Gerald L. Allen et ux H. Hamilton I ' 2 ,0'1 T 3 L H $62S0 f185 '13(,,/'11 -IkJu -off 'ilL ;/Uy{5..Ui<< ) / X1T7) 1'l ;1. I{" -r 3 /5 L J..f '">.n (j v I .iff / ,. 1.5 / fI .3 I el --- ., --. LI v.., I 0,,,", NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ib, Sc, TImber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Imto....m.nts B. of E. ( ulldln~11 VALUE ~/f' 4,(",/ 4(?,'7 ~ ~ -JV .~-~ , Cc. <:.-/; " -J "~' _ "__ -J'::' - , ;.') -./ ro I,:) " ,- " , '" ..J. -. ' ) -;lCt , .' ~ j';). /?_"t1: ' ~'_-O LOT Ill(, SEC. twH. .Go. r.;t~5 0 ltJ 1: ,;;J.Db- (j 'tDl 22 2 Tract 7 of' NW SE ._ .tr<: q,- H, ~ , /,po9Aej'f ~-ryj! ~~ C'J.. . -r>p ~ ))'''11'' J. ';)3 (j J1 b/I< . -- ---.---- --e odor 0+ .LS.>:>:>: eun 3: p>BG ~uoT" !L 118i::,S>:oW}, eoue1.{'1. !as 11"'1 JO eun 3: e1.{'1. uo +u'j:od B oq. ,9Z.SSS oun s pp,s .;mop' a IISS,OSoL8 l{ e'me1.{'1. !3:S 1A.'1 WI:;;! e1.{q. JO aun S e1.{'1. uo '1.U'j:Oi ... 0'1. 'sse, .IQ e.rom ',06.<;>:>: 3: lI~o,6<;oG S eoue",. .1>6. L99 J03.re~q. eun N e1.{'1. :roo,,, II. IISG.LvoL8 S eoua1.{q. !3:S NJI JO .reu.roo ail eqq. q.... .;m1=UU1'~ea .A