HomeMy WebLinkAbout222021400090 DlsmlCTS ~'- If I SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD! #13091 ...59-// :'" Lewis L. Mayhew T.R.Litchfie d --_____---$55ClCl. /-/ 1'7/2/h --r2?- .4. ,~k= /.'v>;, 2 403 A 3 2 L C" .~,- '~l"-- 'If) "JA'I x-iIZ /DA d. '.<-:' . 'uJ, j /7;"zt /'0 ') n .L[!ilJ 1i'~2LL.J1 !.!J..d... .!Afh'wA-n ,4/iid~'_._"'-fV '1lA 17 /1 ______ -h 31 '70/0 '7 --,.- v '-YJ1" hI", .-11 0 _ '%'( 3~:;-r" 0 e e-, 7';,/,;0 /l-fJ,j..n_, " ~ /71 ttr;.,-- gig/) J717t7 7/7Mtr WH<j.d-td. II ,/ /' _ iT- _ fu 4:J <?C;9" f( ,J",p..da, ~, .J--uy ~ &~so _ ;i}s '1395;... li:JuV :;';~wA, Xc0P 1- ~ ~ _ (j 1/ --' Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO /' ,f-,'1 Ci 11 'I .."{"I/.:!</ ?bJf:t"'l ""-8t./S:2.. WL) #.91/,,3 l~s5'''o; p<~ ----.' ' . '.. . ,- .-. '," ," -, "'~".\~'l"l;'''. _=--==__--=---.____--=-_..c2l' ~ , .'. I \ j,." NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r arlt.r Tlmb.r UnlmproYld Improv~ TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb., I U,lm,rov'" Improv~ l,mproVllmenb (Bulldlngl) B. of E. VALUE ....2.2.. 1.51 C -,'1J.57 ;;I e .k12.. "- rli. !/f!. 2L ti .39 ,37 .39 30 39 3 C> , -e- L:2<% '~~ . 200 /;:(00 /;(&0 /90 ,;(Ot:Jcj .LIOOd 1/",.,..;\ god 00 ::Jt/ <'. /.. 230 /d3o /,;) tJ 0 /.Soo &;0&0 l4l" 00 /(JOOfJ i<:1 090900 ..?' ".',' ,t", 7t -~-, , /. 1-), 79 77' ~:?- 1.~/,..r Co 0'\""'- ~ ,;J '. ~ - I "'~ ',-, / ":;,yI1t1,. ~ .'/1-:'C) I LOT lEe. BLK. TWN. RGE. };21.7,;l O~I-4 60'0' 1!Ol t; 9.2t~.Ji Lot...~J...3LT"'y 1 no.E>., /- ,00 :2 Part of Lot I, Sec 2-22-2 WWM, as follows: Begin. at pt N 86026'47" W 712.31' and N 82041'22" W 511.89' from the gov. meander corner common to Secs. 1 & 2, said tnp and range..thencr, N 82~4l'22" W 100' more or less to west line of said Lot 1; thn N 0036'25 1'1 along said" line 113.4' more or less to the Sly line of county road, No. Shore hoad; thn NEly along said Sly line of road 130.53' more or less; thn S 0036'25" E 212.2' more or less tc said pOint of beginning...Also all tidelands of the second c~ss fronting and abutting, etc. ..._~, ~-=: ..& '-7/,' I'. I -:;. , ','" ~ ........-' ' c " , L' I/' ;,' €'." F". ( -.--'