HomeMy WebLinkAbout222021400052 Y.ar Fill No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS _'"7.1f /" SALE PRiCe Rd. !ch. portlpUolFPD 1 #12G71 ----- 58 /1") 6b~ Edith Eills Vm.J .Shearer 2 1&.'L1Ll. _4....k......Q._ JQZ50 6:3 L? c)/..57 7 10~A~ '..<-/ ~ ,J-R:." "7' J j ~ ~ %1 .L Vla3 If .~ L .L ~ if. (/ / - - - - - - - - - - - r-- - -- - - -- - - - _. - - - r-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - I 1- - - - - -, I ! ._--'.--------~ _. --~----, -~- --~-------_----...._---- ..,----_.._-----------~~.._--- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS VIS' O1sta, TImber ""-1 Impro'led TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r UnImproved Impro'llld llmprovemenb B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE SY ,',5' ..('1 If' /,('2.- 3Q " ,,:: ~ () " 1_ ",,00 &. /./;?, //;?, 30 - 1300 /'-5'30 (,0 """" /:J?'O 7//j ,;20 /:>' ~ /.5> oe> J.r/OE' .;?7~ , ;;;;;;;W 5- -"- /Et!JO E6"" 9'6 1:6- .-oN /&.25 -1"'" , .. 17"'- ./.. PL 13/~~ ~a- ~ 15 '1:ffCJ 1/J k~ B,% t,;;;,SO Sbad / /;f J't;7 2L /LJdt!7t? ,a,~ /,~ '9l Z1.. ~ 7/90 d/1t:1 - f!/- Idd' 'X :;ao (Jt1t:J I~CJ 3~.3:f'd 77 " ~ I '.' .. .' . C' ....... j - / I - /,-'r:", II'; , ,. " ZL lilJ r. I?" ~ 13(- If,? ON' 1-/ If (,(." '&'U.r, - /'/ I ( I f .!;l,</S () d.'I.' C, 0, tj" , ' / LOT BlK. .. ~.;2!~c:>.;Xj '~O~ I SEll. TWN. ROE. -. '.22 Tra<?t 2-B~0j' Lot l "'-. ~~B 2 GQvt , ' .. " ,. .. Beg at a concrete mon',ment tJl3.rking tte n;e~nder corner between frac 3ecs 1 8c 2, run th N 86026 '47" W (by related be3rin;>; to P13.t of lJoad-H3ven Tracts) 712.31' th N 82041'22" W 100' to I.P.; continue N 82041'22" ~ 100'; th N 5035'61" h 443.30' to existing H/H of North Shore Co. ;:d.; th NEly along said R/\i 115.35, more or less, to a point wtich is X 5035'51" W of I.P.; th S 5035'51" E 527.30' to I.P. ;;. e-.~ ;U t. 3& /p I tU~ ::0,1) {J It,;", 12J... g..M"L.'/~~~ J I I I T / I I II . . . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS YUt Oyster I Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyder Timb.r Unimproved Impro....d Imp'o".m'nh II. of E. - (Buildin9s) VAlUe g;J. J...~/ t{ '--- /'/:>- //2-- S-g5"oo I.. 1-:-&" 1/ i S bo t --- I -- 1--- --.- -, - ..-- -- I , ____om 1---- ----- -, 1,_- -- -- - -- l----~-, ------ --- - 1---- --- --- __===l - 1--- n_ f------ - }-- - --~- - I ---- I - I I Ii