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File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;t~/ SALE PRICE Ve.r Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD C;~ n8h6 Agda Mary Lockwood 2 Ju. .J. 3. 2 ...k C- oIL -a.3:?p' l../l /,f;> ,.~.I> . -I-'.;Ii P'/', 4- ~ OJ ..L .eI.. 2.. G """~ v"J "- j J'.,.d III ..L ktu .il:. 3. 2 ..L ..I::. 1L .E:7 ""/~~t::y /?.2:2_R/ 6/ /%7pr~7 17 ../.?? fl,.#- , ~I 1/ - - L!i ",,,,,,~- '/ ,h.'-&: / ,# /7,7 ""'",,-,<-,3 l~p./"",- '~)' ,~_ ..0, J ~ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f---.' ----- '.'--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE S,) 1/ . J (p ,3C :va .2 ,," )..;1.0 _n , S'J .3G ,3{' ~O .$ fJ' CJ ~_L , - 52. , .;?~ ,36 5/J 3-?o "'/30 -- &,/ ,.3{, .3b /00 36'0 ~,.f'D -..- "' /tPO $'- 4 ~IM ~ ~t, ~':% /.r; or;- -:7.0 0 ,?.;l ::;- - b7 ,;25b -:7'<70 ~.c;O 69 ,;262 .;;2~ 4?t!) "7~ :S;~ S' CJ () 5L7CJ 970 7/ ~CJ(!)d 1170 ~q7o - 7~ ~ /P(J}(PJ 7#5 .:l7~S -'71/ I~ % II'f'oO~ //f"lo ~1"9o ~7 - -'S /9,: ')t/?'-C c .~.} 71 C ~ "~--- yr. 7 ./';() lfJ Il-foocJ .3,~!, .. 'i !. .5'/0 1'1 )~t'., f,' - ioe' ~,.':l..,-'( .; I'/! .5rfo " ", , LOT BLK. - TWN. ROE. ~ii;~oi;o7t51 >0- J' ~ 74 .', .?? . ,,?, 1 ." '3,~~ .. "'- "Iv. ,,' ~_.""""T'_. - "'f'".., _........"-..,.~ Tract ,~ of tJ"e ur"recordcd plat of Gov. Lot 3 se c -1-22-2 West W. H. described as follows: beginning at t,e meander corner to Sec 1 and 2-22-2 above mentioned; tLence north 984 feet tj-~ce east 200 feet; thnce south 88"'44' east 307.9 feet 'l.ence south 89'13' East 142.1 feet to tLe northwest corner of said tract 6; continuning south 89"13' east 107.5 feet; thence south 227.75 feet; thence ",est 107.5 feet thence north 229.2 feet to the said nort".west corner of said Tract 6. Except the W 40'. ",p,-. . . * .~~UMBER OF ACRES I Timb.r I Unimproved Improved 21.__.__~~_ ~~ TOTAL I I I I. -+1 I I I . - u .~ VALUATIONS r.+o."" Oyst.r Timb.r U . d I I d Ilmprovem.nts I nlmprove I mpr':l.... (Buildin~s)! ~-5QOII r'.2 50 /CSI!JCJI '1&.;;({} 0 I L B. of E. VALUE , () 1/,/ ;; Y7So /'/7"0 ----r---.- - 1-. 1---- --- - I d- i -- ----+- [-r n 1.__ 1--:- _ --j__p :_---' ! ~- I I i i :~s~3 I -- ..--- ----- --I-----f- -.--" -- --.-.----.--. ---.------..- ----------- ------~---------