HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012200110 V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;:;t.{ ( Rd. Soh. Port PUO!FPO SALE PRICE ..2.2.......... 16215~ Harry l~cGill et ux 2 45 A 3 2 L e. $10.00 ,J7 '7/1/.5- .', ~ i,' / .. .~ Wa 'I ;:"'-Z-L - ~.r500, //\ /f'-1l,1':;1_%..~-f-. 2/ . 4 ,J .,f~;;1' / f?f _1.Jln~ Ilj .2:.~s:....1-f _ 7P70~~;7% tI'/ // / /:.1::), n'A ~",,,,~,z,.... 1----- ~}7~2~{~~~I-f'JJ -'n fJ_j/J~,. A.:/'/ -.. __ I --- -1------ -1----- ----e- ;"-:"~:"""_'-' - -~-~-- ~, . NUMBER OF ACRES -----1---1 .v-:-. .~ ". ----~.... v.., Oylta, Sl. I~ 57- ..kL -"- JiL ~ 2L 22- 2t- a :;z!L ~I , ' rz ~';" Tlmbe, Unlmp,rovtiS Improved TOTAL ~ VALUATIONS ()yJur Tlmb.r UnlmptOvtiS Improvtd Improvemenu B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE /0 /0 .5b 5cJ .30 /000 /C?5o ~b .:<./5" nc> Mo f/5~ 41so ~t:JCJ 9cJ6 ~t1L/1 .;z t:J hO /}6"'O B796 5~$ -o/I~c7- ?:Z:'j't? /11/" .' . ,1.:706~. 2-0000 ~- , ,.;.r . .j!'- .</s ,<Is . <IS ,f.A<>' -= ;.,I."/'<I 4.0~ .~~.:;~%- , i1<% :J./ c:t.f~_r, (;, '.=r_c,- I // .-; ?' -; , ~Ol~~' ,'j'{.;(;, \ ).OLG~ .(5"::,'C't'J .,'"' -J. __ "if: _- ).::..-'- / _) r /,oo.{.t'S- LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. ..2' ,'fr. ::j,;Ii Or .,' .~~()I,;l ~,().t:>:j,t>.l r ormerly known as Tr 2 of WW~ ~1Nl and Tr 15 of ~nw~ ww~ Beginning at NW corner of tract which is N 638' and E 175' from car axle driven on N shoulder of old county road at SW corner of NW NW thence E 68.6' to NE corner marked by a car axle up ~ inches; thence S 11010' E 168'; thence S 70040' W 137.3' to SW corner marked by' car axle driven flush; Thence 7042' E 212.2' to 1~ inch pipe which is point of beginning. Also: Beg at the SW corner of the W# NW; th N approximately 166.6' to intersecti of N boundary of county road being the I.P.; th N 471.4'; th E 175'; th S 195'; th SW and parallel to highway approximately 40'; th SE and at right angles to said highway 200' to a point on N boundary of highw (said point being 182' HE along II boundary of said highway from 1. F. ) : th SW 182' to I.P. ALSO that portion of the N 60' of S 370' of E 300' of S;); NE NE lying Nly of following described line (which property lies in 2-22-2): Beginning at a point on the E boundary of section that is S 1053'40" E a distance of 945' from the section corner cOllll!lon to sections 1, 2, 35 & 36. Said point being the I.P. of said line; thence S 88006'20" IV a distance of 20'; thence S 29008'11" IV a distance of 66.69'; thence S 85052'26" IV a distance of 54.62'; thence N 68048'22" IV a distance of 147.62'; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 336.479', a distance of 100', more or less. "A ....~ ~/9"'--7Z-2- --.,', - - .