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CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;',11 SALE PRICE! Vur File No. NAME of OWNER Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD <;2 n6:s8 Charles Bead 2 ii' A l 2 L C -' !I?' L m .tL .L ~ n ,_:c;yf ;;:l.< , ::5 L ,-;5;~>< '" ,~' ("P -(/fi.'t # /. d';/' , W ~V /,/..,-?/j"7 ~~ r YI I ...lL ..2 d... L L H "'" U, /7~3-7 . r / I ~,..s."~ JV.. __,1 ./ / 1";"""""" .;:t?~ --' 0(11 ;~~.~%. L .J'/" ;::;, tl'+- " " #3/77..% -, 3' ;(' [,-"If:; - - - - tT .;5'~ J 18 >I'i'1%f: 1, I~~.: C .5 7:7r -:PI ;:", - - - - - - f e..{ '><' Itjj~ '?~5~'.7 li~!L>, ;e f~~::: <j~ ( )./e.,u<l.~.) ";6.r,L",,..1";(rlp 3 ,,-' r'/'; IS ../A' .:J I - - I%~ ~pT O~,1V 1:.8.7$03 Wi> 4z?W'>C-, 7j:,::::;-y ua' =-eL - - 50oCC) %.; l/-J.3Q::?/ ~ \.../IAo. , ~M:ff< I- I~ ?'.. 2..~.9.0 () - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . r " ~"'~ ....- --- ~--_._-------------------_.- ..~ . .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ?). ?7 rb'f' .:,-b y~c) StJO , , <fJ , &'1 . (; 'I So 8/0 .?~Q - - , - ,,(; ,~f ,~9 -e- ,5(; f/o f/"{) - - 1;;,'1 , -,(,9 ' (, '1 /~o g' 5'0 /03D rzz ~ ,;;)..;1S- /.t7tO.<' /;1..10 ..; ""/~ b1 E?5' // /#0 2Q- ~ ~~ '/'cJCI ::Jl./,;;l.O ~.;; CI 1/ .:J2S'tJ c&/,;:ld ~"?7~ :~ ~.;J..5l:J /~.6 37.:'lS 7'1 I b::I % ~) ,32%1:P -Pi/SG 1'77 r- I'. . r / 7 ,:;<~-:- ...;J, 'L . - 179 , 1,7 1..'1 c:- ~ Co c, ;J q Lf 7.-; .:L8'1Z'i - 17(/ , :~ '.:-/ ~ A. 111 " ~ty.;") ).:;J. O7~' . 17 , - , (I') , b '? , b~ IISo~ .;1'15>- -II/'-. LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~il~a1Jl,;l(jO/ trD; ,.~ - - - ~, . .~ -.... , ,- - . " - ""-'''~ -. ..- -. > - ~. J , .r- Tr 1+ of NW! NW! Beginning at tl.e southwest corner of tr,e nort",,,,st quarter of t.e ncrt,,,./Cst quarter of sectien 1-22-2 ';iest \1. l.r. tLe ce nort!. approximately 166.6 feet to t;.e intersection of tl,e north edge of county higk ay thence nortneasterly alon[ tr.e boundary of said higbway 182 feet to apoint s',id po' nt beinl3 tl,e true point of eginninb tr,ence northwesterly at. right angles with said t,ighway 200 feet tLence nortLeasterly and parlallel to said high- way 150 feet tbence southeasterly ad at right anLles with aforementioned hiway 200 feet t;ence soutl~lesterly along ncrth edge of said hiway 150 feet to true of beginning. ~ ~d 10/42- .... &.",.;:.. '/ J/ J/ t:..-T /71'. 12/1/9E: L V I;, )7/7/:'/)': L_ ~~.(. /E X<.1 ,/~j~;^J.(: E':<;rw - . S_-:"L .....'5~-;L .