HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012200080 .. DISTRICTS ;J,'f! V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 1t~E PRiCe /' Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD C, .rg'O -:"" 'I, - - b l:;? 1,.,'7!?-q~ Alfred Rickabaugh 2 M A 3- ...2..... L C .J "O&cJ ~ ..,. .... r/ 1..1 L J!L (0)'15'11 .. ~hf..;(! ,(0;1;4"/,,,,) ..FI ~ // w.... AL ...2..... .6-. L ~ n5~1'1 ?,.....-uu/()' (hr;/d- - S"J ...L !ft1 ...fl ....>2... .d:... ....b. L j{ ..1 /J ., -;:? 1/ LJ,-v-A ~.; - /:''''''''~ ~ /3; j"c' " " /,-" ., M.... ;</(;,,).7 c, I/,)~ "B. Q ~I " 0 $. '...i,:;,,,,? - - - - *'0"0. ,6,{ ~/c; 73f' J}~h...O-J _ -?k- , J ~ " " - - - - ?'!1S- J,Cf817j ~JJ.;1J7: 8.f'../U 2fI;J I j - - - - 3izh. 310 IS.? ,f~ .if k/;lfI'.{/~ %M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f--.~> ----_._---- _._- .:.... ~-- - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5~v v ~7 . {, '1 .rcJ 'ISO StJO , d"...$ _:5-a {, yo fI. -st () ~ , f:< I ' f,.;j 00 &, YO 7 r,L () 1)1 ~ .7'.:< .,tJ~ ~ 50 ;{,~ 7""'0 . r;,/ . '1:l. - 9'~ ::?yo 0;(...0 ,F,{,o I~ I;: ~ 3"0 ~ V07S'"" . Tt77"'> ~o ns 1.J'.;275 t"t1 MO .?/-~ /....,~ I <;~I :-:.AI. I~oa / ~.,g d ,;?l~3CJ '''/b 17/ 1.226'"'0 /t:.3..tl... .8;,%0- ~~ I........eo J-'77$ ~s 11- ~~. 'J$tJ(J ~ ;?(jfJa .~ - Ije:;; ~_c- ."""'::'-.'-'~ I~-~ 1~ _5000 7CffO /:2.,2:' j ("\ 1/ -.0 t -=-+ ; LGT BLK. . - I SEC. TWN_ RGE. ~~O/'Jl.;too'o'.f4()! i .~[_. ,r -f1' . . '." =.-.. on. , /"- .a...Q.f_ A/;:;.:...__ O(Jt). - '- ~i_~ - .... known as Tr 9 of NW! NW! Beginning at the SW corner of the Nd 1>[';1 of Sec 1-22-2 ',lest ". H. thence north approx. 166.6 feet to the north ecige of COlUlty road tLence HE along the bO]mdary of said road 514 feet to apoint anci the I. P; thence ;~J at right angles with said road 200 feet ti,ence NE parallel to said road to tiie oresent cLaElne1 of creek Imcwn as little EISSICfl ClLj"K thence S"; along said. creek cide1 to the north boundary of said road thence Si'l a10n:) said road to I . p. ~ l~-~jWd to/LIz '"".' -'-- !l?" - ~ '.- . - .~- ----.-.,,~._.__-~-.,..o;..,..___ --~-. ---=- ....----=-==--=- .---- I I I I T T I I I r I ] ~ NUMBER OF ACRES ., VALUATIONS . Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I rnproved Impro.oernErlts 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - .q:;.. 9;;.. 11"0 () l:i><~'() "~);:~D _c .... : . G< -?.-.. de., ~--:) lXf -, I . I I ~ . , .- ~ NUM~ER OF ACRES Yur I Oyster Tlmber I Unimproved Improved V.o ~':nFO -- $/ f.J. $.3 x'-/ 9,-; '-I ().Oo '-Ie, (',' CLASB FOBBS2' ~I 0 oG f---- TOTAL 7'0 00 .:/r' I "/~ t:I& ---.-- --- -+-- ----. ----1---------- I I r Oyster I I I I I I I I . ->~. /CJ .:fc: V ALUA nONS Timber Unimproved I Improved Impro".ments B. of E. (Bulld~n9') VALUE 1:;.3 0 /:/3,') , .. - " , ::'--/ - '/ v .' '1166 L/It:lO '//'/5 '/ /'f ~ / / 'to/v.> ,"lc)", ') I '--- I 001