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Va' FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2-J-/ I SALE PRICE' Rd, .... Port PUD FPD c-I~- rO')~LJ . , . , ~ I...JJ,: ')2 James R. Stites "LD ~' ..... ."'-.1.-.:' 2 A l 2 L "'!5?t? 3ScJtJ:<6 ~A' ,J (' );/,-/;. ) '1c,. r1J L M & ...3- .d..... .J...... ~ (f/:!';bP6&''I' , ;r f ':b..3.. ...iL -3 .2 ......b. ....c. ...R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - ----411~------~----------------------------------------------~~--------------~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ,JJ. ;2 ..2.5 ..:lAS Lo .3~-t> 3 7'0 ,I); ~o ,3.3V 3 ~o 5~ .;{, /3 ';;./3 3...t2.......... 350 3%d r22 j( .n ,~/q ~ "50 . ::; 5d 400 ,/? 1;';'1 d. /3 ,:(. 1.3 /00 3-,,;z 0 b;;l.o lu -' /::J~ t:,$;C/ 27'S- "''''"0 - I-~~ ~.5o t:so 9&10 , ;<5tJ '/'';<0 9'1tJ '71- ~ ;f~ f'OcJ /f'~ /9CCJ 17/ ;;)115 ~ /1'.so 37~CJ 1'7/ J~ ~ .9{~ 17-1 - dl'/. .;a ~I!,d?() 9';76 I~ 41'S-a -e- ~o 11~ ...d"'1:J ~{,.2b 1_~7o '1.~ .~~ ~- 21$0' -eLK.- , - . ~lOT , SEC~-- rit~ .Q.lJ:i(J~OQJ:JLaj - TWN. RGE. "'.. , fl.. --'-"'--'---'- ..' . _ ../.5. '-~,- - . .-1 ~-.: ..~___...--- '. . ., - _..,...-~.,;.''''' - - Begimilin.,. at r.e north~,st corner of the Northdest quarter of the nart! '?Iest quarter sec 1-2;(-2 ,;est:. I,:. tl enc south 442 feet to tL2 center of road kno'wn a:; entrance to C. C. C. Camp ti -!nc~ north'Ne::;ter1y along said road to th2 north line of said 40 acres thence east 214 feet to be~inning. .. c,..' .'" -e- ._--~-- ~ :;1 ~~ ./..-".-, . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . . Y... I O,d" limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro"'.ments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .7/.1 ~ Ja.. j,.,13 /- ~% 4/fM ~'I() IQII/Q 1l/ tEjtJO ~ 9~() 7fj ":/',/9 o</...'!i' 1f9 tJO S;;Z4/o /O/t).o o' ')1' -,.' /Q~O' / ,- '-' .-) I ,'. ?'/ S) ~ . , II -; "7'( ,. , -;;7' iC - ":)(1''""',-, I = .~ 1l J..Gj:J ,..., I h'" ,~,J.. ~ ....),.J - , ) 1\;' - ") /, 1)-, - ) '. R .x,,(, 7- " /,' -, ? " ,1.1'::- 'l I~ 155/',rJ 17;;, '.'_- 3.:/':<:;- .- " I