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, Y.ar FII. No. I NAME of OWNER ...2.L ~~ 4i/t?/IC'/;9 " " ~/73JJ';> J1A;' ~ /, '/z ) ~I /="~/'7 1,) .t7JJJ' _, /1'., -;f, --r tJ J/. 00 1 ~c) .5: tPo 1:';It7Z Puget fI.'!ill Co. ,< ----. ~? ........, NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster Timber Unimproved 5.J . 'is __ 57 4- 4- i, n a.. jgf '1~ ;-:; ZL 22- ZS- l!f- 7R 1M a~. OEC. TWi\. 750 7.s-o ~, 5/J 'loo ~t-"-(} '-/, 0 0 5:00 RGE. ;-. " Improved /,c:J;J / /,0 /) /, cro /.o-r; 1'7 ou , ~ .,.. , ~ .", CONTRACT TO I OI'TRICTS / g.:< I SALE PRICE; ~~ PO" PUD~IFPD ___ '-.s;-.4'J:i3 .L".L1J.1:.0n L. L ~.L.H::::au .[l ;3.02._~__.L S p /".3m, ",,0 ...}'-'-. AU, \ L 1i dfI-. !y,';; I 7,~ J + 'Y;;"lt?;' 3 L /-1 ~F6c:~~/ 7jL c .. (/./ :=L= <> oO.-"';/W~7 / ~9;ntl----1- -- ----I-- ------ , ' .. ~-.. --'--~...._-_....-_-~~--_..._- , ":::;......- '" VALUATIONS TI b I U I d I .. Ilmprovements B. of E. m Ir n mpro.... mprov (BuIldings) VALUE /7"0 /.5"0 h'J'd 30 IRe) /~c1 . ~cJ . ?o /g'{)' /50 50 3D c..7Q{) J?D 50 3 c) J3r> 5'"0 ~o S-S- /6-6- ./1lc}cJ -- - Lt'Jod /d.~ /.::J<tJ - ---L;;;b1 .;Js;tJd .;) in5' tJ 3CM Sa>If.(j/ #90 $"790 ~()' 1.-<Q1dl7 550 .s;;?So 117"'6 ""00 .5'.::;0 ,<JS'S"c> /~tP ;[!;;oo 52Q) /~$b ~, /7'tJao //"'0 (JICre1O !5-;jrjdo!33g'1.5.lo7tJDr , ~~.1.3 JfTf;:io.O D-,__gj TDTAL t Oyster 76-0 7,.52; ~ -5"0 /D~OCl s;~ b"; d7J .5: {ro ..... f4 'l Qo~ r. ~t1~. '% . /".% .- ""'.i?,f,._,..~."'I'J,."""'. -;,""",:',~.,-'-'-. , ovt Lot :3 S 300' of N 1139.11' of Gov.3. & s 100' of N 839.11' of Lot 3. '~ ~~:...:- -."":---~- --_.-~-. *Ex. Tract l-A .~ -, ~.~""'."'.~1 ~~- --- .~ ~- ...."'>.-.--'00-, _ ._ ._..,..____._-____~>- --- -, u,~. "'---_..:....;;. .- . - ----L- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Ylar J Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Imp,ov.m.nh B. of E. (Building,) VALUE lL -- .:;- () '" Po-! ~ .!, "J ..5.;20 d -6- 5:;L(J('] ,]q 5'!N? 33ZCj.s g7~95" , ..j;:200 , "5'.?-00 4 ~ /; , -e- r .s-: <)--' ':;-;'-000 3389S- 774"95,- ILQ - "" (' 20 P ..A /-. ! 5' ,;zoo -a- $,;200 -- C~ !IL , 5:-(000 33J'75 ;' 7/19.5 K( 1],4U :;, j 0 I I ~.;z6 rJ tJ 5.7 0 0 IK~ , - :: '/00(; ~3?Y$ f 7 ?9.s- I . (). . . .5'.:;),(' - --<?-- _"i,), c,() - 1J -- ';;-:00 ~ h? 73 S' 00 '1{,6/6 /:< 0 //0 ';3 .--~- -' : p- ..---- -- -- ---- - , xL f-- Tj,"'nr) Y",~/O /.:In/ln ----- ,;)" ,I, ftL If, t- 56000 G- 5'&'000 , .& '73500 .;1(41, Jt') I... ,~~ , I1i ,.ta9, :JJi. ' .....u~J '~ , L .' .. - -