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'(t~-I -Flit No -l----~-.-~- - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS j8';z. SA.lE PRICE Rd. ~IPl;Jrt PUO I fPD I I -I ~ 275598 Pope & Talbot Dev. Co. I 302 3 ' 5 L-II SfjP #33914 ----.--. -, WI ~r- wO~"'$53"UUL 12fT 338166 Talmo, Inc. '10 . I- 3 L? 1.- H #5 511 ~1;1, ~~~- --~- - _l ~;v.: N /J~ / :\ 117.. Jr-b-t'~a/ 31.".2...:/$L M ~ 10 ...;q.:;" " 7/.)/1.... cm.. ~tPOb':i &~/:Ljl JA' (.J'-'<g~ Q/ftIV u 'A'idf7:71 "I- "I' __n__ -'--'.----- . --- - ---~ f---------- ---------- - ----- - .- . -- ....._--'" -- -". -- - . ----~----- - .. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I V ALUA liONS Oyder I Timbtr I Unimproved Improved TOTAL ! Oyder Timbtr Unlmprond Improvtd Improv.m.nts I B. of E. (Building,) VALUe 71 20 3.77 /.2-3 5.DO (}3 bot"'- ;,:;)36/.5 33 tJ r- 5: tJ/'J 3.5' / S6 .3..S"' / .co -.J'oo , -- + --,-- --' L_ ---- - -- c---- -, - -- -- -- -'-- ----- ' - - - ---- -----.- ---- - , - I , I- I LOT BlK. ~ 2. f! 'Ii; '1 'it'li~~i~ sec. TWN. OGE. I ~ - .. ~ . 27 21 2 _ Tr,~JL~.ur_y~J 4/:'52 ,__ L_;_...__~ -r' _ ,_ - >--- ..............:..-~..... ----"'" "- . - -. . -. - - . ,- . -- _..~ j-- The W 182' of E 527' of Govt. lot 6 in NW of 26-21-2, as measured along the S 1 ine thereof. re - re UJn:) sj;? .- - ..... ,.... -=--=-.;'; ...........,-...