HomeMy WebLinkAbout221224300130 -;:;- File No -r-----. --- 145162 Lawrence N. Reneinp: et __174~o.A. Eunice V. Rensing lb/"'l_~ZJW ~ 345898 ::;1\ see DacK "!!?0!i.!i'l7!/2 ~/!.,_1J<.lf dWY(r-'1~) ux 3(J/JL I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /ff.ci ,d, 5ch.I!IJrt PUD I fPD I I , 1 02 G 3 3 L H /l. .. ,.1 ' -- , ,. ,I( P LJ'jb Kris Walker SA.lE PRIce NAME of OWNER <~ ~" 7h!:J 14 $8950 Rt,('. It " l..{)n -1-----" r . , " , -.--- . - Y.., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limber Unimproved Impro....d Improvements B. of E. (Buildin9t) VALUE 76 1---. 1.70 1.70 20= ~ 7e Sooo SOa1 12. /.70 /,7t> 77tJ CJ 7700 1---- --- f- --j----- : ,;P~i;/,~ e ~n;(\i""(~(}; ~"- .__c" .. ~. . .;,. "<,"......-.- ,...-....--;~.:~~. ~~'-'"'!'~~......_ ._.~_._~~~qr ~"'~' ._-,,~>--.-. "'-~-.._,....;-" portion of the following description lying NWly of the creek: ------ All that n of Govt Lt 1, 22-21-2 daf: Bgn at a pt 11 ch N fro. teorner b~rr'g-eetions 22 &: 27; th N 5,89 eh + - 0 NW corner ~-r-4.41 eh th S 430 E 17.69 ch'\~r line of Lt 1; th following .1II~1:he.."s 54!" W 0.74 ch th S ~;.99 eh' w1f 51 -io W 17.33 eh + - to PcB. AI I that ptn of Govt Lt I, 22-21-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point 921.36' N of the quarter corner between Sections 22 & 27, sd twnshp & range; th N 388.74' +- to the NW corner of sd Lt I; th E alg the N I ine of sd Govt Lot I, 291.06'; th S 430 E to the center I ine of an unnamed creek; th Sly alg the c/I of sd creek tap S 51 3/40 E of the POB; th N 51 3/40 W 120.30' + - to the POB; excepting therefrom road rights of way. . .- - #412438: S.A. from Eunice V. Rensing to Kris Walker on Hill contract " ~...~, h, /------r:_1..1 -!' (l ~ i;' I.. ~ '.-'J--'...t; , 1/., 'P-t. ,_h.._{ ~:_ __ '_ ~ _f' (' " , r ,/'_l'.-", , ~ ) / ~, !,': '/l--'y.'