HomeMy WebLinkAbout221137690072 Y.~- ~_NO -- r-----..-,.-----N~~ OW~---I--~ONTRACT TO Rii":TSch. 'P?rt;U~~-~~~~~S ; 70 25_1648 ~~~ Ki rk _Co. / er;V J________ I 54 G 3 ~_~_i L ,H 2L8-L~aJ;lO~6 ~(W" .e~.t.e.r:Y_illJL62.k &L ____ _1__1 l..li]_ 9'~~fil-_____ --JlI]Jn_~ohn R. Furtad .-J 1'..8..~ '1'1'/5;1.1'-___ _~ ~ -/?wl A. f. ,L : _J 7.':0 . I , SALE PRICf #22263 , 1tIL':>bOl, I "~ w~e~ r''' #80781 $9.5illL_-CBC_ JI. 939tJ/. _. UCi:J ------1---- -- .~- .-- ->-- . NUMBER OF ACRES Vear Oyder Timb.r I Unimproved Improved I. I TOTAL I I VALUATIONS . Oyster Timber Unimpro'ted Improved ImprOVlmlnh I (Bllildingl) B. of E. VAlUe rc ( c~- '1---__ g'.:>. .- , ~ ',...." V ,-J ( ..--~, f ....j 70<:> CJ 700CJ t --'---- ------ -. 1-. -------. --- ------------- ~- 1 1__- _ _J ____--1 -- ------..- ---- ------- --' ---.-.---- -- ------- - c------- i ; LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. R6E. .. /3 21 2 Tract 7-B of d;L '3 7f.oQ ^--~... Survey 'Y83 I _ "... _ '."f 0.../..',:1. ~'l" (Tract B of S.P.#/OOOJ All that ptn of the NW NW, 13-21-2 W, W.M. particularly daf: COMMENCI NG at the NE corner of sd NW NW; th S 00020' 51" W a long the Eli ne thereof, \ 143.06'; th N 78012'26" W 544.39' to the POB of the tr of land hereby descr; th cont' N 78012'26" W 250'; th N 12011'50" E 225' +- to a pnt on the Sly I ine of a tr of land heretofore sold to Terry McKean & Arlene L. McKean, h & w, instrument recorded 12/16/80 on Reel 257, Fr. 159, A.F.#384968; th S 78012'26" E, along sd Sly I ine of McKean tr, 250'; th S 12011'50" W 225' +- to the POB excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way. . .