HomeMy WebLinkAbout221103400050 ,. .... YN' AI, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS '7;0-- SA.LE PRICE Rd, $ch. I Port PUD fPD I I , I .J3()730 8/73 ?~2,~n.') Ja"lcs T. Hall ~t ux D Bro',I1l1. \~t a1 1 54 G 3 '; L H S9510 ~ 7-J.I 010 D IL:.nf_ -';f;.J14 ,eL A ,>l :, /l1'ft,H 3fL l5' V')m/N> / && /'5;., #SiY?7/J(]/) lOiN ;'.:J :Dn, '.f'~. ~.~,. .1.0 J:lt.,O p.c. 4-'''1242. .;.. I1U:J . - ~. I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS bJc Year I Oyder Timber Unimpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyder Timb.r Unimproved Impro".d Impro....m.nt1 B. of E. (Dulldin;l) VALUE 17q 'l5{, 9.5t. /?p /~ .2(,30 .>l.735 74 I' 0 ~ S';I6o $'Uo 17~ .s:fJ~o 1\'11+ , 1J1Lf).:Jo .23;1.1'0 // 'I _,_I , ;)'" ~,?,- " 77 e, ft' 1/(.5'!- " :;lA":'" t 7~ 7. ,. ,2,( " , , /(:-:-'0 .:?.:i Co 5'c ~),;,<,,,, I ...:-: . ~ . I' 2~ 30;<7(] 37?',c; c. ? 7.;< 7,.) LOT BlK. f1.:iD () :3 q c>.Q'or5tQJ SEC. TWN, RGE. , , ')1 2 IrA"" 'i nT bJ.. l. ,-' Ii ~-- , That portion of the m of the S,! of the SU;;. of Sec. la, Tw;,). n North, R,mee 2 'Jest, II',M. lyine ",esterly of the co1tnty road (Sast ;,fa"on Lake Road) and l>astprly of tl1e UnnaJ'llerl strea', Fhich is lncat,,=d on or aholl.t the ~Icst lin.~ of the S~.:- S",'.~- of said Se~. If:" ~"1). and Rm~c; '7'~C~PTIUG there-fro"'" thl2' -rnllo..':ins c18scrih?r1 tr.act: !3p-ginnin~ at a l.,oint en the south line of the abovc> (1esc:ri.hed :"\ro:18rty l!ltere it intQTSects 'lith the cOlmty road; thpnce ','e"t "Ion:; "aid south line lO~9 'eet, "lore or less, to the center-line of an 1tnnaqed creel, loeaterl on the above clGscriberl ;>roperty; thence northerly on said creek center-line to a point on Gairl center-line ",here it "",kes a shar;-> bend to the ',est,a rlistance of 30e feet, more or less; thence fro"! t:1C :>oint on sain henn of crGel< due north to the north line of the ,1ro!,erty above; thence east ::!lone "aid north line to the ri::;ht-of-uay of county road as "lentionccl a;,ove; thenc" south':esterly 2,lone said right-of-uay to the !,oint of b"einninr;; '" -- - -.. -- -. - . , , l-' ^, , , / ',./ /.,:J 'i__C':' ), ,.J /, _ , ) }"r u~-((f-\.-l.0 / '. g JJ.t- . ~ I (.,'e " ,E,~ /1/ \ c/,t'. :.;.- 1_,'" ~. t , ~ -<;.t~r/i ...=.:J,'(/) / 1- ,. /..'.,--/ , ."-- A ..,./jkl: ~ 1.\/- . -;: ", .;.;~)