HomeMy WebLinkAbout221074400000 Y..r Fl!. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7.5- R~ =I~' P.~ P:D:: L~lit ~--'- -7{ SALE PRice r-- <;2 Simoson Log. Co. -?L (Jrno7~ ~,'W_, (}. 10 ;)'-''-0'" ~Ji,CW lU33 /.~ -r----- -- ------ ------ ---- ------ ------ Yeal OYlt.r ----------------------~~-~~~------------------~------_:---~~---~---~-~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS. Improv.menb B. of E. Timber Unlmprov~ Imprond TOTAL Oyster Tlmb" UnlmprovMl Imprond (Bulldlngl) VALUE 3/7,)- 31,7 ItJ;U) a.:<o [2/..,<::1 ,..}'/',9d /60 /60 2.5% e:? ~ ~ _ ,;( cJ~ t,3o &-30 /..:J~ 0 p')' a /KJV 3fqp 1-~ /1,;) S- ,l'.r9,:23~ ,;t;t;e5 dU'6tJ .5,;1.5:0 ...97B S/S ?IS Jou 9,;:c /0'711 /r,'7c //3-'- / /,?:::- /Cl7{j /",70 II S'":s- /15-1;' /:2-20 /~' 2-C) ;</0. a ----..., ,0/ ,r:;9 ~l. fA 170 17~ 73 174 1';/ CLASS. l'~' I/~ '"'' R4 &'l 7t. In Hi 7'1 0) gl ..:?/.tJo ltJ<lil 2/.(lQ ;;If,,- - ,";.'; I, _-,,;; ;21, () 0 ;J-f 00 r ',.""".'..," .. 2 ~., I?~:r 1'0 7.L' Li 0'0'0'0101 '. hAss. FORES'l' Lot r * ' l..,.^~ ";>",,,..:. -co . LOT BL.K. SEC. TWN. ROE. ~~.",...,..,:&:.:" ._--;-,..-~ ~----~----- ----'. ~ f2t--c, r/i' / I Year Oyster f'J, &1 -'1/ 9,) I . NUMBER OF ACRES 1 Timber I Unimproved Improved 7/ '" e: ---'-f----- 1----- --,----- 1---- TOTAL d/dO --------- -----1-' -- ___ ____un l_1 Oyder --- ~ , I! Timber I I I I I VALUATIONS .-2r; 0') I Unimproved Impr::l\,.d ;), :< 0'-;- j " ,/ ;,ItJ ! I -. Improv.ments (BuildinQs) t ",eft) 8. of E. VALUE c;7o J'o d?0I t)~ :':;;',";.5 / .)18~ -- - I /,-- - 1==1 ---, 1--' ';----1 i ! FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Y..r Rd. Soh, Port PUD "PD JD530 - - - - 59 /?f'/'IY Pope & !albot ..L. -5lo. Lu- -3. ...5 T,I! - - - I-- - - - I-- - - - - -- I- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - =-= ..... "h'_..'.~ --~- '. ------.....----_......-..-._-----"'-~...._-----~...._---_._---_......._---------.....---...---- ---... - . - . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oy.ltr TlmlMr UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy.hr Tlmblr Unimproved lnapro'Hd Improvemenu B. of E. (Building.) VALUE . /0.'/.5- 10.75 , zeo 860 .' . &0 ,~ LOT BLK. r--- - TWN, RGE. , , I l : I LlJJ I/Je, ~ 2 T~act 1 gf Govt Lotll. ; " ./ - , ~ ,e , -- , .- -- !!'" ---.., -=0',--, . A tract of land in Govt Lots 1 & 2, Sec 7-21-2 WWM. particularly desc. as follows: Begn. at the SW corner of said Govt Lot 2 being the one quarter corner to Sees. 7 and 18, said Twp" and Range; thence S $$029"27" E. along the "'S line of: said Govt Lot 2, 822.26' j thence 11 60024'52" E 2,097.0}' more or less, to an intersection with the E line of GovtLot 1, said intersection being N O~10'36" E a distanee of 1,083.32' from the corner to Sections 7, 8, 17 & 18 Twp. 21, N Rge 2 W\'JMj thence N 0010'36" East, along the E line of said Govt Lot 1, 362.61' more or less, to the NE corner of said Govt Lot 1; thn ffiqly along the Nly line of said Govt Lots 1 & 2 to the NW corner of said Govt Lot 2, thn S 0003'08" West, along the W line of said Govt Lot 2, 346.70' more or less, to the point of beginning. ,- .'--------' - ~ ,- -,- """01 -e.;;:-