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7 Y.ar Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS PC SALE PRIOI:: Rd. .... P... PUD FPO I- L 53 15208' w. C. /liading ,U? '.:;',,'/)4n: ) / 6'/ e!J .3 .5 :!1. -'Jt I/,{ ,-0,/\:1 1~/,,7 ,,/7/a if! iP.. .# W/d A ~ ,fSo . 1Ch:;.. :;. 73'1/(" If'. 1. .-f/ /1,..p "AI . (O()~ ..1>',7.3""7,7 b. ' - 1- - - I- - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - .-.....-. .' ...,~ ....._-, --------------------------------------~-------------~------------------------ ---- - ' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.... OJda. Tlmblir Unlmprov~ Improved TOTAL o,lt.r Timber Unimproved Improved ImpronmentJ B.oIE. (!ulldlngl) VALUE .f'l' . f'O ,.;10 /0 10 ,;'-:/ .I/~ , .1/tJ 5cJ 60 -"- ~ ~ tCJ bD d- ;J% ";;.5'@ ,,;z5o 2Q ,.1.(0 , 1/ tJJ - .s;;,o 500 1'1- j '" % /OO<fJ 1000 7G lOCO / Coo .ll.. .10 . LJ 0 IOV, IC'c~ n. ~'),~)~~/ 5'7t C LOT BlK. " . , see. TWN, ROE. t2QJJ ' O!~:(..2J>11 C>\.'3' Dm5J . , ..df .. ,;" J j , .. . , ,.,- .- Beginning at the most Sly corner of Tr. 98, Madin~'s Sunny Shore #); thence N 9002)'19" W alonp; the S line of Lot 6, 285.41'; thence N 00)6'41" E 60' j trence S 8902]'19"E 150' j thence N 00)6'41" E 42.85' to the mostmWly corner of Tr. 98; thence S 52010'10" E along the SWly line thereof 170.04' to the point of beginning. ~ .-l~ S/ID ~ --.;~~~.. .__ _ ,-.A.~__ ~'